1.30 ≫ irl

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"No it's fine I'll take Mason." Scarlett insisted.

"It's too cold for him to be out I'll keep Mason." Sebastian replied.

Scarlett and Sebastian were in the mist of a 'argument.' Scarlett, along with a few of their friends, were going out to buy groceries for their 'little' celebration. Sebastian insisted on keeping Mason with him, since he wasn't going.

"No no no it's fine I promise he won't be a bother." Scarlett persisted.

"But he'll be fine here." Sebastian added.

"Ok love birds we really don't have all day. Are we taking the kid or not?" Asked Elizabeth. Elizabeth was doing her best to avoid Chris Evans at the moment. She wasn't going to miss this party just because of her ex.

"Yes." Scarlett nodded.

"No." Sebastian countered.

"Please! All the guys are going to be here. It won't be much of a bother." Reminded Sebastian.

"Fine." She sighed.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"Please please please be careful." She reminded.

"Don't worry. I'm a great dad." Said Sebastian.

"I'm sure you are." She sighed.

"Let's go! I want munchies." Whined Hayley.

"Since you are minors I will be driving." Joked Robert.

"Take care of the twins!" Called Elsa (Chris Hemsworth's wife).

"We're going to be fine just go." Replied the Australian.


"Wow, New York grocery stores are so cool." Elizabeth smiled in amazement.

"Yeah...?" Scarlett shrugged.

"Elizabeth isn't a native New Yorker." Said Emily as she pushed their cart full of food.

"I'm not a native either." Scarlett replied.

"Right right. Russians." Emily corrected.

"How do you think the guys are doing?" Asked Robert.

"Oh my god how is that on fire?!" Screamed Anthony.

"Who left the stove on?!" Called Chris Pratt as he juggled his son and a baby bottle in his hands.

"I have hope." Said Elsa.

"I'm sorry I left water to boil for Mason's milk!" Called Sebastian.

"Yeah, I mean Sebastian isn't that irresponsible." Scarlett added.

"How do you burn water?!" Asked Jeremy.

"I don't know, Chris was suppose to watch it." Sebastian defended.

"They are our husbands we really need to have more faith in them." Anna (Chris Pratt's wife) said to Scarlett.

"Oh! Blame the Australian. I told you to watch the water Sebastian. Now my twin boys don't have milk." Complained Chris Hemsworth.

"My son is younger then yours." Sebastian replied.

"Why did we agree to watch the kids?!" Chris Pratt ran around the house with his son Jack.

"Do we need anything else?" Asked Robert who looked over their cart.

"I don't think so. We should go check this stuff out." Replied Elsa.


"Do we really want to see what happened in there while we were gone?" Asked Scarlett as they approached the door.

"I want to say no. But we're going to need to go in there at some point." Replied Robert.

Robert slowly turned the key to reveal a very messy house. All of the men were passed out on either the couch or floor.

"Well...I don't want to know what happened." Said Anna.

"Where are the boys?" Asked Elizabeth.

"Oh shit. Where are our babies?" Asked Scarlett.

"Passed out on your husbands." Laughed Hayley,

"Let's never leave them with the kids." They said in sync.

Omg Anna and Elsa?! Coincidence? I think not!

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