1.23 ≫ irl

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Scarlett was resting her head on Sebastian's chest. Her vision was very dull and she payed no mind to the television that was currently on. She instead focused on the beating heart of her husband. The sound itself made her think, this is really us.

"Isn't it weird that you have to pretend to be asleep to fall asleep?" Asked Sebastian in a low voice.

Scarlett hummed in response, too tired to even speak. Sebastian chuckled at her sleepiness.

"Scarlett I made food." He whispered.

"Your lying to me, plus I'm too tired to eat and you don't know how to cook."  She replied groggily. Sebastian pouted but he knew it was true.

"So your coming to the gym with me tomorrow?"you can meet my trainer Don." Sebastian's trainer wasn't a trainer to him, he was more of a friend who made you feel bad about how you looked.

"Sure, I have to bring Mason though." She responded.

"Yeah that thing. We need to get rid of him." Sebastian replied jokingly, he earned a pinch on the arm for that 'joke'. He winced.

"Twelve hours are not going to waste." She mumbled.

"Oww that's abuse." He murmured.

"No actually that's animal cruelty." She replied with a cheeky grin.

"What but there's no animal..." he thought for a moment before getting the joke.

"Oh I'm the animal. Wait I'm the animal?" He asked.

"Shhh. I'm trying to sleep." She replied while bringing her index finger up to him.

They both jumped at the sound of Mason.

"See this is what happens when your not quiet." She mumbled as she sat up. Her blonde locks were very messy and she didn't have the time to straighten her hair everyday. Hence why she tied her hair into a bun or a ponytail most of the time.

"Let me take care of him this time." Replied Sebastian.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Positive, plus I've done it before—"

"Once." She added.

"It still counts." He mumbled. She sighed and agreed to let him take over.

"Yes now to teach Mason how to say tata." Sebastian said to himself.

"What was that?"



"That's your son?!" Asked Don with complete shock.

"Yeah." Nodded Sebastian with a smile.

"Have I been living under a rock? I never knew that." He replied.

"Yeah he's three months. We're pretty happy." Smiled Sebastian.

"I can imagine."


CENTURIES ⇒ Sebastian Stan 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant