Chapter 17

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Lost in work 📃✒

Danni POV

Its been about a week and a half since Luke fell into a coma and I took over.
Its been a living hell, all the work, papers and not having Luke around. I felt broke, alone. I sighed and left Luke's office to go visit him once again.

The doctors were more than worried. He should've been awake by now and he wasn't. Word got around to other packs about him being in a coma. So far, only one pack attacked us. The battle didn't last long. We had them ran out and killed a few within minutes. I opened the door to his room to find Aiden sitting in the visitors chair. He looked at me and gave a weak smile. I knealt down next to the bed. I stared at his sleeping face and sighed.

Aiden walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "He'll wake up Luna. I know he will."  I didn't say anything. I simply stroked Luke's head, wanting so badly for him to wake up and tell me everything's gonna be alright. Allysa's pack wasn't on good terms with us due to what happened during their last encounter. Even Allysa wasn't allowed to visit after she was last here. My life is literally a hellhole right now. I kissed his forehead and got up. Aiden watched me walk out of the room. I heard him give a sad sigh before the door closed behind me.
I was back in the office going through papers and sending emails to other packs when Aiden ran in looking frenzied. I stared up at him confused and curious. "What is it Aiden? Have the doctors found anything." He shook his head, "No Luna, its something else. We received this message tied to an arrow that was shot into the territory. No body was hurt but this message addresses you personally."

I took the letter. My name was scrawled on the front of it in red. I opened it, the vanilla colored envelope slightly ripping. I unfolded the paper and read.

My dearest Dannielle,
Its been a long time my dear. I always wondered what happened to you after you left. That fox friend of yours, how is she? Did she find her mate? Did you find your mate? Such a shame if so, I would've enjoyed your company. I miss you so much, so much I was willing to spend years tracking you down to this pack. Remember, the wolf you and that fox killed the day you escaped? I will get revenge for her by taking you and that fox away from your home. I'll never let you leave me ever again. You will not win this war horse. We will find you and you will never see your pack ever again. I can't wait to bring you home with me.

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