Chapter 9

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Too weak to care💔

The picture- the white'll see why eventually.

4 weeks later*

Danny's P.O.V.

I walked outside with Kelsey by
my side. She had grown twice the size she was when I had found her in the forest by Luke's place...


I let my hand hover over his concealed mark on my neck.

I shoved the memory away as quickly as it came.
Today was an important day, a battle day at that.

About 4 days ago, we had received a letter from a enemy. Saying that in 4 days, he and his whole pack would charge into the camp and kill the children and any grown wolf that tried to stop them.

I don't know why they would send a letter and not just do it but I guess some packs are just official that way...or really dumb.

Kelsey trotted ahead to meet Jace at the center of the square.
The Blood Moon pack was one to have a town instead of a regular camp, which is good because it's harder to find anyone if intruders came sniffing around.
Anyone who didn't know the place was gonna have a hard time finding where they want to go.

Jace smiled and bent down to pat Kelsey on the head.

He looked up at me and I smiled.
I had let everything loose on Jace, I told him everything since my parents were killed.
He knew my past and swore not to tell anyone, not even Gavin.

"Do we know WHEN the rouges said that would attack?" I asked Jace worriedly.
He shook his head, "We don't unfortunately."
I nodded and continued walking, Kelsey trailing behind me.
I went to Starbucks, where I went every morning to get coffee and chat with a friend of mine.

I walked in, "Hi Katelyn." I said as I walked up to the counter, "HEY
I gave her a confused look, "D-Train?"
Katelyn shrugged, I'm trying to come up with nick names for my friends...D-Train sounds a little um...weird, doesn't it?"

I nodded, "yes, yes it does."
I grabbed my coffee off the counter and handed her some cash.
"I just want to be able to call you something that only I can use."

I took a sip of coffee then spoke, "What about Ella?"

Katelyn stared at me confused.
I rolled my eyes and smirked," my name us Daniella, everyone only calls me Danny, no one calls me Ella, not even Allysa."

She smiled widely, "Okay, Ella it is. Also, I've been meaning to ask for your number."

I giggled and she handed me her phone.
It was 12:00 and everyone was on edge.
The whole pack wandered the edges of the territory, searching for any signs of the attacking pack.
I was practically jumping out of my skin.

Kelsey and Jace had gone back to the house so Kelsey could sleep.

I sat down on a nearby bench and waited.

I stared off into the forest, the sounds slowly lulling me to a deep sleep.
I woke up to a starry sky. I gazed around, searching for any signs of another pack or even the slightest hint of blood or battle.


Just an eerie silence.

I looked over to find Jace, sitting on the grass next to me. He looked over, "Good, you're awake."
I nodded and yawned. "I have a question for you Danny, its important."

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