Chapter 5

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Living with the Truth💝

The next morning*

I woke up with a start, looking around for Kelsey.
She's an adorable and smart puppy, which means she gets into a lot of things.

-KELSEY! Where are you?-
I linked her. I watched her come bounding out from under the bed and giggled.
I looked over at Luke who was still asleep. I went back to last night and what went down.

"What?! How did she mind link you?"
- ya Vidalea, how can she mind link us?-

Vidalea was silent.
-We have to tell him.-
I gave a jump, - We have to what?!?-
"Danny, are you okay?"
Luke reached for my hand, I let him grab it, "yeah, i-im fine."

-Tell him-
Vidalea huffed.
I looked up at Luke, "there's something I have to tell you Luke."

He nodded, "What is it Danny?"
I could feel the tears start up, fearful of what would happen after this.

"I-I don't have a wolf but I do have something."
Luke began to release my hand but o gripped his for dear life, I began to cry.

"I'm a-a Horse Spirit."
I loosened my grip and he slipped his hand out of mine.
I curled up in a fetal position and sobbed. I felt so alone, like he had already left, but he was just staring at me.

I don't know when, but I had cried myself to sleep with Kelsey curled up close, trying to comfort me.

I wanted to cry again, what had he been thinking about? Was he gonna leave me? Reject me? Throw me out? What would he do to Allysa when he out out she's a fox?
I twisted around to sit on the edge of the bed, on the verge of tears again.

Kelsey propped herself up on my leg and whimpered.

-Are you okay Daniella?-

I sniffed and nodded down at the little pup, -I'm alright, do you want to go for a walk?-

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