Chapter 11

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Am I Whole Again?💗
Made a new cover!

Danny's P.O.V.

I sat woke slowly from my sleep.
I was no longer pulled up close to Luke.
But rather, I was in a bed, with Kelsey beside me.
It was my room.

I looked over and saw Allysa sitting in the corner of the room, she was reading.

Typical Allysa.

I sat up groggily, I let out a groan and held my hand to my temple.
Allysa looked up and quickly ran over to me.

She held my hand, "Danny, Danny are you alright? You've been out all week.
The doctors said you're good to walk but we had to let you wake up yourself."

I gave a curt nod and slowly swung my eyes over the side of the bed.
My foot met the soft carpet and I jumped a bit.

Soon, both of my feet were on the floor and I was slowly standing up.

My legs were very sore and stiff but I managed to walk around. I tripped up a couple times but I eventually got the hang of it.

Allysa gave me a smile and started playing with her hands.
I raised an eyebrow at her, "Allysa, what is it? You only play with your hands when you have something to hide."
Allysa squeaked and threw her hands behind her back.
I walked towards her, "Allysa..."
She sighed.

That's when the question hit me, "Wait, where's Luke? Last I saw him was when Jace left me and Kelsey in the cell with him."

She looked down, "That's what I was trying to hide."

I gawked at her, "He's still there...isn't he?"

She looked at Kelsey who had just woken up, "And he isn't doing very well."

I sprinted to the door, "Watch Kelsey!" I called to her before running as hard as my tired legs could to the cells.

I threw the Cellar door open and made my way down the steps quickly.

I heard the confused voices of the other prisoners as I continued sprinting, um half sprinting, down the hall.
Passing every cell until I reached Luke's.
My face went pale.

The door was opened and I could hear his pained screams.

I stood in the doorway, staring at everything on a table against the right wall.

Blades, Wolfsbane, tasers, whips and so much more.

I heard Luke screech again.
My attention snapped back to my mate and his abuser.

I didn't recognize the man right way so I just screamed.

"You leave him alone! Get away from him!"

I ran at them and what I was met with was not what I had expected.

My cheek was slit open by a silver knife.
I hissed a little but, I'm not werewolf so it doesn't hurt as much, its not deadly to me.

I stood back up and threw a punch at him.
I felt it connect with his jaw and I watched him go sprawling to the side.

I ran over to Luke and just about screeched in shock.
He had whip lashes, cuts and burns all over him.

He looked at me with his green eyes in agony.

I grabbed his hand and held it to my chest, "No, I'm not going anywhere without you."

All of a sudden, I felt a punch in my side and then another cut across my side this time.
My shirt tore where the knife got me and my skin was...burning?

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