'No, I won't now and I won't ever tell about that understood' he said. 'No nothing is understood, you need to understand how this relationship works Tim' I said. 'What are you implying Alex?' he asked. 'You suck at relationships and so do i, but something i do know is that trusting each other is a really big part of being together and if you can't give me that Tim i don't see the point of still being here. I don't see a point of even trying' i said.

He had his back turned against me, i saw him sigh he was battling himself right now. 'What can be so horrible that you can't tell me. Tim you didn't gave me time, you just find out ask people to search for my file and somehow you can get that shit done but i can't i am asking you what the hell happened when you were younger' i whispered. I laid my hand on his shoulder, his muscles softened when my warm hand touched his cold shoulder.

'No don't do that, you won't leave me you need me' he whispered. 'I do and you need me, but please' i begged.

'You know what, no i am not telling you. I don't need you at all i can live without you' he whispered more to himself than to me. 'You won't leave, you need me you can't go out there on your own and above all i don't want to. Shit what am i saying, i don't mean that fuck' he cursed and took a shot of whiskey. 'Are you done' i asked. He looked me in the eye.

'If you won't tell me then i will leave and this relationship is over' i said trying to sell this bull crap. I didn't even believed myself.

He smiled, 'your a very bad liar sweetheart' he said. 'I mean it Tim then we are over' i said. 'Why are you so bothered about my past?' he asked. 'Because it bothers you so it bothers me why won't you understand?' i said. 'You have much more other things to worry about sugar why me?' 'because i love you, and don't you think it's time that i know i mean. You knew about all my flaws the minute you practically met me and here we are a few months further in this relationship and i still don't know' i sighed.

'Well sweetheart stop worrying because i won't tell' he said. 'Are you serious?' i asked him. He nodded and took some more whiskey.

'Fine then, then i can't see you till you will tell me' i said, he stopped moving his glass to his lips. He looked at me, and started laughing like i just told him some kind of joke. 'Princess do you really think i will believe that?' he asked me.

'Then don't believe me but i don't think it's fair that you know about all the horrible and most painfull things about me and i don't know a thing about you. You even know about my pregnancy and my dead child and you still don't want to tell me' i said. His eyes softened a bit. 'It's not because i don't want to tell you, it's just not important' he said shrugging his shoulders.

'Then if it's so unimportant then tell me' i snapped, he was silent. 'Didn't think so' i said whispering. I walked to our bedroom and took a duffle bag out of our closet and started to throw my clothes in.

'What are you doing?' he asked, 'i am doing what i told you what i would do if you didn't tell me. I am leaving Tim' i said and started to collect some personal hygiene products from the bathroom. 'Where are you going?' he asked me. 'Don't know yet, maybe staying at a hotel or Viola's don't know yet but i will be long gone by the time you figure that out' i said.

'No you can't leave me, i love you' he said grabbing my arms. 'You can stop this all Tim, if you would tell me' i sighed. 'No i can't' he screamed and threw the glass to the wall behind me. 'Real mature Tim call me when you decide to share your life with me alright' i said before walking out the door.

'No don't leave' he yelled but i walked straight ahead. I didn't want him to see my tears falling by now. I kept myself pretty strong in there with him, Viola will be proud of me. I am not that weak girl anymore he once met. I want some answers from him, and it's time to get some answers from my parents. These few weeks will be pretty hard on me i guess.

'You should know, i am really proud of you' Tessa said while she was fitting some wedding dresses. 'Then why don't i feel that way Tessa, i feel horrible and i want to go back to him. I know, i know i can't before he gives me what i want most' i sighed when i saw her looking.

She came out and she looks amazing. 'Tessa you look incredible, no i'm out of words' i smiled to her. And it was true, even though we don't always see eye to eye i do wish her the best and a very happy marriage.

'I don't know if this is the one' she said looking at herself in the mirror. 'Just keep on trying dresses till you will find the one alright' i said to her, she nodded and dived back in her changing room. I took a sip of my champagne and looked on my cellphone.

'3 missed calles, 10 messages and 1 voicemail' i said to Tessa. 'Where are his god damn balls? Is he a man or what? Can he live without you for a second?' she made a comment. She is right, should i text him back that he needs to leave me alone? Or will he take it the wrong way and will be happy to get some kind of communication out of me?. I deleted all messages and shut my phone off.

Tessa came out again with a new dress, and i really felt that this is the one. 'Oh my Tessa you look-' 'amazing' she finished my sentence. 'Yeah amazing' i whispered. 'Alex i really think this is the one' she said smiling to herself. 'Tessa i am really happy for you even when i am not always showing it' i whispered. 'I know honey, i know and i am really happy that you could be here with me' she said holding my hands.

'And i know that this will be you one day, and that we will both have children and they will play together and we will be one happy family' she said. 'Yes one day' i whispered. I know Tessa is the only one that was supporting me during my pregnancy but just like my parents she ignores my son that was once born. I am a mother after all, but no one is remembering me like that. I am praying to god that that will happen to me, that i have my own family one day.

One day.

CAPTUREDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora