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'Why don't you both sit down' he said again, why does he need to involve Tim in this situation. He has nothing to do with this. 'Roger please, you want to talk fine but let Tim out of this' I begged.

'Why are you expecting that I do that Alexandra? He stole you from me, you are mine' he snapped and shot a bullet true the roof what scared me. 'Sit down' he said pointing to the couch.

My heart skipped a few beats before I sat down on the soft couch. 'Roger please-' I begged. 'Stop it Alexandra, I just want to make sure we understand each other and that Tim knows what kind of history we have together' he said smirking. But not the smirk I love, not Tim's smirk. This is dirty and disgusting.

'I know about the two of you and what past she has, there is nothing you can shock me with' he said. And oh boy how Tim is wrong. I don't want him to know this is not right, I am the one that is suppose to tell him. 'Don't please' I begged with tears in my eyes. 'you had you're change Alexandra, why don't you tell him' Roger said pointing his gun to Tim.

'Stop pointing that thing to him', 'no I point that thing to who ever I want to understood' he said to me. I moved the gun to his other hand and ducked with his right hand in his jeans pocket and put a picture out of it. A picture I knew all to well. 'How did you get that?' I asked him so afraid of the memories attached to the polaroid.

'Found it in some old stuff you left me with. You carried this with you forever when you were around, before prison' he said. 'You look so beautiful' he said with a little glow in his eyes. 'A picture won't hurt me, get on with it' Tim snapped. 'Fine' Roger said and smashed the photo in Tim's hand.

It felt like he froze, his heart stopped beating and his longs stopped breathing. He let go of my shaking hand. 'Tim please' I begged with tears in my eyes. 'Alex what is this' Tim asked me in a tone as cold as ice.

'Tim please let me explain' I begged, 'there is nothing to explain, I get it this is what you have been hiding from me. What wasn't in your files, what you kept a secret for a long time haven't you' he snapped at me like I was the bad guy in the room.

'That is not the case Tim please' I begged again and tears were overflowing my eyes, rolling over my cheeks and ending in my neck. This can't be real, this it just can't be.

'Then explain how you are in this picture, how your are pregnant and from the looks of it almost in labor' he yelled at me. I cried, I couldn't stop.

'Please stop' I begged in tears. 'This is what you have been hiding, well come on then the child was taken from you hasn't it. Where is it, the child in foster care or just abandoned' he snapped and stood up with the hands in his hair. Roger let him, he just enjoyed the show. This is what he wanted all along, break me and left me unhappy on this world.

'Tell me the whole story' he demanded, he couldn't even face me. I'm a freaking tired, crying mess. 'Let me tell you what happened, I was happy she was happy we were getting married and she was pregnant I couldn't be more happy' Roger said. But all he could tell, all what was coming out of his mouth were lies. They weren't true. He was unhappy.

'All lies, you wanted me to abort it the minute I told you the big news. Hey babe I'm pregnant' I snapped. 'You are a piece of shit you know, you got me in so much trouble the only one supporting me was Tessa. Not you' I snapped. 'Sit down' he demanded.

'No I've had enough, you wanted to spill this secret fine but I hadn't enough time to grieve. I got in prison not you. You blame me for everything and that is fine but you are a big piece of shit you know that. The worst fiancé, boyfriend and lover. You were unhappy with this pregnancy because I couldn't work for you that way. I couldn't use drugs because I was pregnant. You ruined my life' I yelled at him with red puffy eyes.

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