My mind suddenly flashed to Yoongi and I instantly pulled away from the kiss. Touching my lips. I stumbled out his arms and walk quickly to the door.

Tae: "Jun-hee."
I heard him call faintly before I closed the door behind me.

What did I just do!?!????!?

I leaned against the wall for support. Why did he.....?
Why did I......?
I hold his clothes to my chest.
Oh boy...

Mrs. Kim: "Jun-hee, you're finally up...are you okay?"
I looked up at her.
Her eyes widened, she rushed over to hug me.

Mrs. Kim: "Oh of course your not! I'm so stupid for asking that," she takes my cheeks in her hands,

Mrs. Kim: "Sweetie, go put down those clothes, breakfast is done, When we've finished you can shower and wear those so we can go and pick up some of you and your brother's clothes then go to the hospital."

"Okay, thank you."
She pinched my cheek.

Mrs. Kim: "No problem Sweetie."

Let's just say breakfast was pretty awkward for Tae and I, worst the room was solemn and silent....

It was too much for me to bare. The silence was too deafening...

You're really stupid, a voice in my head, This is all your fault!

I bit my trembling lips as I blamed myself.

I should have died.

I shouldn't have been born...

I should have....
Jungkook: "Sis calm down."
I realised my hold was restricted. I looked up with blurry eyes. I gasp as I realised I had a knife clenched tightly in my left hand and Jungkook was holding the said hand.

Tae took the knife out of my grasp.
I almost...harmed myself....

Everyone at the table stared at me, worried etched in their facial expressions.

I hurriedly get up running to the guest room. The sound of my name being called lingered.
I heard a tap at the door after a good few minutes of me crying.

Tae: "Jun-hee, Can I come in?"

I heard his body slid to the ground on the other side of the door.

Taehyung: "Jun-hee, talk to me.'

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I'm so weak... This is all my fault!"
I cried my eyes out.

Taehyung: "Junnie-ah don't beat yourself up over it... Just go get showered and get ready so we can take you to see your mom and Yoongi."
I sniffle a few times.

Taehyung: "Jun-hee you're one of the strongest person I know so please... Carry on. I'm sure Yoongi hyung would frown and curse at your behaviour. Keep being strong for everyone. Get me?"

I mumbled softly as I stood up.

I need to have my raging emotions under control.... in such a short time, I'm ready to self destruct....

I freshen up myself then put on the clothes given to me, which was really comfy and smell like Taehyung. It was somewhat soothing.

I look at myself in the mirror. This girl would be better looking if she smiled more I thought.

I rebrushed my hair into a high ponytail and took up my phone to check if I received any calls... With all the commotion.
Minjae- 25 missed calls, 20 messages

Yunjin- 7 missed calls, 8 messages
The rest of calls were from Got7, EXO, NCT U & 127, VIXX etc
Basically they all said they heard about my situation on the television and were wondering if I was okay.

Bad Boys Need Love Too BTS: Yoongi Fanfic [SLOW UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now