Betrayal [T]

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*Kevin's POV*

                My hand still raised, the gun still pointing at him, all I could hear was Tiana crying out. I could see that JongIn wanted to go pass me and see her but there was no way I was losing her, again.

"Kevin, listen! Do you really think Tiana is happy with you?

-At least I do the most to make her smile.

-Maybe, but does it works. Don't you think she needs to see her son? Do you really think she can live trapped in a house?

-She is not trapped, she accepted to stay with me.

-But she doesn't love you." He was staring at me.

"She will learn to love me. I know she can, once you'll be out of the way.

-Do you think that she will loves you after you'd kill the father of her son? Do you really believe that?

-What gives you the right to talk in her name? You act as if you know her.

-Because I do!

-No! What you know about her is the thing she is willing to show you. You only know the Tiana you met in the past. The Tiana who suffered, who was abandoned, who is clinging to her son to live, who help people even if she is the one who need help the most. This Tiana who always hold sadness in her stare, you don't know her.

-I try to. We already have made a great progress but you had to come and spoils everything, right? You think harassing her is loving her? She still makes nightmare about you almost every nights!" I couldn't help but laughs at his statement. He looked at me confused.

"You think I'm the only cause of her nightmares?

-Who else could it be?

-Back then she already had nightmares. Most of the time I could hear her in her sleep but then she would wake up, freshen up and work like nothing happened." Memories of the time when everything was going good between Tiana and I were flooding in my mind. I shut my eyes tight thinking about all the time I wanted to comfort her but couldn't since she rarely shared her pain.

"Some were about her family she lost because of you. The others were about her losing Jason but...the most frightening nightmare she had and the only one she couldn't stop crying about was you and your father hearing about Jason and him getting rid of Jason." JongIn's eyes went wide, he had a step back as if he was trying to assimilate that he was part of the worst nightmare Tiana had.

"You take a woman like her for granted but do you think everyone is like her? Do you think any woman can give so much love to her son and be this devoted to a man? You don't realize how lucky and dumb you are! My own mother couldn't give a hint of love but Tiana... Tiana gave me friendship and held me when I was falling down. Even when my past was holding me down she tried to pull me up when she couldn't pull herself up." Suddenly I felt a tear going down my cheek. I quickly whipped it and focused back on JongIn.

I Needed to, I Had toTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang