Party part 2

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"So this like that. I should have know, it was strange.

-Oh! TIANA?! You're back!" Katy ran to her and tried to hug her but when she saw her expressionless face she backed away.

"Yes, it seems to be the case. How were you doing?

-I was fine but we missed you at the studio.

-Oh, really? It must be the reason why you searched for some.. comfort.. among you."  She isn't even looking at Katy. She's fixing me with the same expressionless face as if I was just a leaf.


-How are the others doing?

-Hu..? Ah! The studio's member?...I'm not sure. A lot of them left after you because they became famous or because they found jobs with a busy schedule." A light bitter smirk appeared on her face before it became expressionless again.

"This is great that the two of you managed to keep in Touch.


-After all. We were all close and we trusted each other, we could even bet our lives on each other." She stopped fixing me and turned toward Katy and smile to her.

"It's funny how some things don't change as time goes...right?


-Sorry, but I'm a bit tired. Let's talk another time.

-I will drive you back home.

-No it's fine. I will rest somewhere.

-Don't be stupid, I told you I will drive you...." I stood up and took her wrist but she rejected me.

"I'm fine, I will let the two of you talk."  She just left like that. I tried to follow her but I lost her in the crowd.

*Tiana's point of view*

       I ran through the crowd to reach the terrasse of the villa. I need some fresh air, I think I will die from anger. I can't even believe it! Once I reach the terrasse, I let it explode, I kicked a pot, sat on the floor and I screamed. I thought nobody heard me because of the music but It looks like I was wrong.

"Why are you screaming Tiana-ssi?

-Ah, Minseok-ssi." REALLY?! LIKE REALLY?! Each time something wrong happen between Kai and I, Minseok is here. What kind of joke is it?!

"I was just stressed.

-Hum....It seems to be worst than this.

-I'm fine!

-Don't lie to me! I can see it's about JongIn again!" I turned toward him and I remembered that he was suppose to be a good friend of Kai before the Hotel case.

I Needed to, I Had toحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن