Get Out

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                 I was anxiously twisting my fingers in every directions. JongIn sat next to me, jason sat on a chair far enough so he wouldn't listen to the talk, we were waiting for the lawyer to finish examining my case. She suddenly put down her hand on the desk with a sigh and gave me a confused look.

"So, after all that happened, you're asking me to make sure he won't go to prison but a center for mental health?

-Yes." I said my voice low.

"Do you realize that after raping you, kidnapping you and causing you to lost your baby it's almost impossible?

-I know, but Maybe if I can make the jury and judge understand it is what is best for him... I mean... He already has been in jail and it didn't help at all." I add desperate.

"I understand your words, Miss Brewly. I will try my best but it's not easy.

-I know very well. That's why I will be forever grateful to you if you can do it.

-Are you sure you won't regret it?" She asked, for a moment I almost thought she was sincerely concerned.

"Yeah, I thought about it long enough to be sure.

-Does your partner think the same?"She said glancing over at JongIn who had been silent since the beginning.

         He straightened in his chair, looking suddenly interested by the conversation. He looked over at the lawyer and then at me. He sighed and then his eyes went back to the woman in front of us.

"If it was up to me, he would be either dead or in jail." He said coldly enough to send shivers down my spine.

"I see. You should agree both on it because we might need your partner's cooperation.She told me with a soft tone but I wasn't focusing on her. I could only look at JongIn.

"Where did the 'I'll support you no matter what you choose to do' go, hu?" I said on a more aggressive tone that I meant.

"I never said I was not supporting you. I just can't deal with the idea that he did all of this to you! He is guilty for everything he did so he should go to jail.

-So you wanna talk about guilt now? Do you really want me to go on this field, JongIn? Do you?" I said more than annoyed by his tone and the careless attitude he had shown until the lawyer asked for his opinion.

         He looked at me slightly shocked but at the same time he couldn't answer to that. His eyes went to the lawyer as if looking for help but she didn't say a word. I looked back at Jason to see if he was listening and he was not, he was playing with a car toy, peacefully. I turned back toward the lawyer.

"Anyway, what you think about it doesn't matter. I am the victim, I don't want him to go to jail and you are my lawyer so it's my decision that count.

-As you want miss Brewly. If this is what you want, I will organize a meeting with the defendant and his lawyer so we can talk about it. Do you want to be there?

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