I'm Out!

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       I enter the building with Kai. JinYi greet me discretely and then went back to her work. We went in our office. I was working on the event for LemonRoyal. I felt a kind of burning stare on me but I decide to ignore it. At least I tried but it was too intense. I slammed the documents on my table and turned toward Kai.

"What?" He put his hands up in defense.

"Why are you so agressive?

-I'm working and your stare on me is distracting!

-So I'm distracting you?

-Kim JongIn, I'm seriously working and you should too!

-I'm working, I swear! I was just wondering if I should ask you that or no."  I turned toward him a bit suspicious.

"What is it?

-You know our event is about hip hop and R&B. I though about mixing korean and american star, what do you think about it?" I looked at him surprised. He really has good ideas!

"Well, it's seems good but...Why are you asking me?

-Well....I don't know personally any american star so....

-You want me to ask my contact?" He nodded with puppy eyes. He don't know what is waiting for him. I turned back toward my computer.

"Ok, but I hope for you that one of them will be busy.

-What did you say?

-Nothing! I'm sending them emails to talk about it." I started to write an email about the project asking them to do me a favor. I send at least twenty emails. I just hope the one I think will answer the fastest will tell me he is dawn busy!

      Kai took his documents and got up. I took mines and followed him. We entered in the meeting room and I felt him getting tensed as we past the glass door.

"Are they serious?!" The room was empty, nobody came. They were supposed to be there before us but no....they weren't there.

"Calm down, I will look for them...They probably...."As I was about to defend them, the workers came walking fast but laughing while chatting. I think this is what made Kai freak out.

"ARE YOU....

-Calm Down! I will talk to them.


-I said calm down! I'm taking care of that. You're workers better respect you but not hate you so let me do it." 

       As I said that, he was so frustrated and wanted to disagree but my stare prevent him from doing it. I turned toward the little group and as they saw me coming they ran to me. They were all smiling until they saw my serious face.

"At what time were you supposed to be here?

- At 9 pm." Miss Choi answered proud.

"And what time is it?

-9....9:10 pm..." She said while looking at the big clock above the glass door.

"So~Can you tell me why aren't you in this room, sitting and exchanging ideas?" My voice was getting a bit louder.

"We...We were so into our work that we didn't see the time past.

-So what you're saying to me is, You all were working and randomly saw the time and at the same time and decided to come?!" They were all looking at Miss Choi who was the one speaking for everyone since the beginning of that ridiculous talk.

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