treating some wounds [M]

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*Kai's POV*

      Something was tickling my nose. I didn't want to open my eyes but I did it since it was keeping on tickling. I saw a strand of hair on my face coming from a head on my chest. I looked at the person and was surprised to see Tiana. She was peacefully sleeping. I smiled and played with her long curly hair. She woke up and looked at me with her sleepy eyes.

"What are you doing?

-Watching you sleeping.

-You sound like a pervert. You woke me up when I was having a great dream!

-What was it?" She gave me a wide smile.

"We were in the garden of a big house. We were layed on a blanket, cuddling and Jason was playing with our twins while our other daughter was playing with our dogs. Guess what dogs!

-Puddles?" She laughed.

"almost! A puddle and a wolf-dog. You know I always wanted one!

-Yes, you always said they have something fascinating!" I kissed her and she smiled while kissing back. I roll over and exchange our positions. She was now under me.

"Let's make your dream come true. What about starting with the twins?

-The twins?!

-Uh-Hu!" I chuckled and slipped my hands under her shirt...more like under my shirt that she was wearing. Before I could reach her chest she violently push me back. I almost fell off the bed. I looked at her surprised. She had that blank face she always has when she is angry.

"It's too bad..That dream will never come true!

-What...What do you mean?

-Do you really think I was gonna stay forever when every time I'm trying to give you a chance you spoil it? When you hurt me with every single thing you do?!"  I wanted to get up to hug her but I was frozen. She go off the bed and got changed under my stare. I couldn't do anything, she took her full suitcase and head toward the door. Jason was there with a backpack. He took his mom's hand and didn't even look at me.

"Tiana! Don't leave me! I love you please! Don't you love me?!

-I do...But it's not enough! I contacted Jason's father and we decided to see if it can work between us."  My heart fell and I felt like somebody was choking me.

"I wish you a happy wedding with Krystal!

-I'm not going to marry her!

-Same for me! Goodbye. Jason say goodbye to Kai hyung."  I felt my throat tightening even more.


-You're nothing but that to him. He had a real dad that will take care of us! We will be happy without you!" She left without letting me some time to apologize.

          I abruptly opened my eyes. I was out of breath, sweating and lost. What just happened? Tiana...Tiana! I looked around me and I realize I was on my sofa and it was like 2am. It was only a nightmare, it can't happen in real life! She won't leave me! She won't leave me like this....even if she already did it...No! This is different this time! This...this is different, right?....She can't leave me....

I Needed to, I Had toTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon