Zero Compromise [M&T]

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*Tiana's POV*

          I opened my eyes to meet with a dark ceiling. I tried get up but my hands were tied up to something. Then a door just in front of me opened to let a blinding light comes in. When I got used to it, I saw a figure in front of me, walking towards me with a blindfold in its hand. I looked around and panicked recognizing my room in New York. I knew where I was and what was going to happen, I already knew.

"Kevin, please Don't." I knew it was useless to beg.

"Who do you call Kevin?"

          When the figure was right above me, I looked at it and it wasn't Kevin, I would have feel less scared if it was. Instead I was face to face with Taewon. I tried to back away from him but he took my chin in between his fingers and get closer, throwing his disgusting and smelly breath in my face.

"There is no need to beg. Nobody's going to save you. Kevin can't do nothing for you...nor does your lover. Look at them." He turned my chin forcing me to look at the most horrible vision ever. Kevin was shot dead on the floor, blood flooding on JongIn who was tied up, watching me.

"Let's give a little show to your man now."

           He teared my tank top apart and pulled down my shorts and panties at the same time. I felt his hand violently grabbing my breast making me shout out of pain. He leaned on me and started licking my neck and I shut my eyes tight. Just when I though it couldn't be worst, I could hear JongIn screaming through the clothes he had in his mouth. His stare fixed on me as I was getting abused, the way his eyes opened wider as Taewon unzipped his pants. It was too much.

"Don't look at me JongIn..."His eyes were still on me, he probably hadn't heard me.

"Don't look JongIn!" I shout louder but his stare was still glued to me and I was about to tell him again but Taewon didn't give me anytime to. He violently penetrated me with one trust.

"Let him look at it. Let him enjoy the show."

         I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me crying but I couldn't help as the pain was to strong. JongIn still had his eyes on me but they were empty as if he had give up on me and everything we had.

"JongIn, please look away. please." It was useless, whatever I was saying I powerless in this situation.

"I love hearing you begging! It turns me on."

         Taewon started moving in me and I couldn't help but cry out at every trust, it was painful. He was having fun making it painful to me. I could feel his trust becoming more erratic and his breath unstable. I knew he was going to do it, I knew he was going to come in me.

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