"511" (Part 1)

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*JongIn's POV*

          After half an hour of waiting for Tiana to come back, I decides to go check on her but my phone ringed. I picked it up without looking at the caller and was surprised when I heard whines.


-JongIn," I immediately recognized Taemin's voice but it seemed tired and confused.

"I ran into Tiana running out of your office, crying.

-Why are you doing that, I told you not to call him!" Tiana's muffled whines were frustrating. I sighed and pass my hand in my hair.

"I said something I shouldn't. She told me she was going to the toilet.

-JongIn, she is too fragile for you to make mistakes like this for now.

-I know. Where are you?

-At SeHun's restaurant.

-Ok, can you keep her company for now. I think she doesn't want to see me.

-I will.

-Can you try to make her eat too.

-I'll try.

-Thanks, Hyung." I sat back on my chair as he hung up.

            I didn't know if I should have been be angry that she went out without telling me when her life is at risk or if I should just beat myself up in a corner for being stupid enough to let words I don't mean out of my mouth. I wanted to talk to her, I wanted to hug her, I wanted to tell everything was going to be alright but she won't let me. I knew that even after the talk we had there were things she hadn't told me. I thought that since she seemed to be soothed every time we were taking a shower, I could push her to tell me everything so I could understand better but it just ended up by us being cold to each other.

             I was daydreaming when I felt something on my laps, I looked down to meet with Jason pouting face. He looked at me for a few seconds before turning toward my work.



-Can we go somewhere with Omma after you finished work?

-I don't know. It depends on how she feels." He lowered his head.

              I worked for hours but Tiana wasn't leaving my mind. I wanted to call her but I assumed I was just going to annoy her even more. Jason had fell asleep on the sofa where his mother has left the blanket and most of the workers were going home. An idea popped in my mind, I made some calls and everything was going to be alright.

         When I was done, I put all my documents in my bag and carried Jason without waking him up. The office was almost empty except for JinYi putting her things away. I quickly waved her good bye as I took my phone out. I dialed Taemin's number.


-Hyung, where are you?

-We're are still at SeHun's restaurant.

-Ok, I'm coming.

-Ok. I need to tell you something when you'll be here." I hummed in response and hung up.

            I shook hand with the guardian and then left the office. I crossed the road to SeHun's restaurant and  when I entered in Taemin was waiting for me at the entrance with Tiana looking at the floor. I went to her but before I could say a word Taemin went in between us.

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