It was all so confusing-the colors, patterns, and styles. Sighing I picked a pink suit from the very end but when I tried to reach the hanger it was too high.

I took the pants first before I tried to get the shirt. Maybe I should just get the shirt instead of the hanger but the shirt was buttoned up so it was connected with the hanger.

Jumping didn't work too much in my favor and I almost knocked the outfits next to it but luckily it didn't drop. I tried jumping again but accidentally stumbled back and my hand slid against the glass case causing various accessories to tumble down.

My mouth fell open as I stared at the expensive ties, watches, and some elegantly shaped cologne bottles scattered on the floor. I quickly picked them up and tried my best reorganizing everything. After that, I refocused on my given task.

Standing the tallest I can I tried to reach the pink suit until another arm brushed past mine and took it off. I felt a chest pressing against my back as a minty scent emitted from him. I turned around and saw Chanyeol starring down at me.

"Took you long enough." Chanyeol pointed out.

"Here you go." I replied and handed him his pants.

I expected him to step back but he only leaned closer his frame squishing me.

"M-Mr. Park?" I asked as he pancaked me between the clothes and his chest. Even though I enjoyed his presence, he was getting too close.

He gave a teasing smirk before he flung his t-shirt on top of my head. When did he learn to change so fast?

Closing my eyes, I decided to blindly walk away when I felt him blocking me. The closet seemed to feel smaller as I tried to calm down.

"Um exc-" I cut myself off when I pushed Chanyeol, I felt warm flesh. Blindly I poked it and the shirt just decided to fall off at that time and I stood there awkwardly as I touched Chanyeol's nipple. I didn't know why but on impulse I pinched Chanyeol's bud and his lips turned into a curious smirk.

Feeling my face get warm unbelievably fast, I squeezed past Chanyeol and exited the closet.

I heard a chuckle before I stormed downstairs looking around to do something. Br-breakfast ok um. Sighs I don't know what to make until I spotted the box of cereal. I jumped in joy as I dug in the refrigerator for milk. Then I poured it into two bowls, set two spoons, and took the cereal out.

Chanyeol walked down with his suit on and briefcase in one hand. His tie however looked a little croaked so I pointed it out. After he glanced at it, he undid the whole thing and stuck it in front of me.

"Tie it for me." Chanyeol ordered as I hmphed but nonetheless yanked it out of his hands and walked closer.

Gently, I wrapped it around his neck and looped the black fabric over. I fumbled with it because I was trying to do it quickly but Chanyeol was staring at me so intensely.

When it twisted a little, I bit my lower lip and tried to concentrate harder. After it was done I smiled and gave it a small pat because I felt so accomplished.

"Done!" I said enthusiastically not missing the subtle smile that was on Chanyeol's face but as soon as it came it was gone back into a smirk. I'm probably being delusional right now.

Only Mine (Chanbaek/Baekyeol)Where stories live. Discover now