
I laid in the bed with August that night just looking around his room. "August?" I whispered but he didn't say anything. I looked over at him and noticed that he was knocked out. I sighed and laid on my back, trying to get to sleep when I felt myself being pulled out of reality. It didn't affect me like it used to because I knew it was only Clarissa, looking to yell at me for something I couldn't help.

I felt a sharp sting to my face as she drew her hand back to slap me again but I ducked, dodging the slap. This time I could move in this hallucination. It's been weeks since I last talked to her and that gave me a chance to finally realize what was going on. 

This was nothing but a hallucination, that's all. My mind was simply playing tricks on me while I slept the night away. These hallucinations weren't real and neither was Clarissa. This was all a figment of my imagination. This was nothing but my inner demons and my hatred for Clarissa coming out. None of it was real, so I might as well play along in the show until these hallucinations cease to exist.

I quickly hopped up as she raced over to me to slap me again but I pushed her back as hard as I could. "I thought guardian angels were supposed to help you?" I asked her, playing tricks with her mind. "Fuck a guardian angel, I'm a demon from hell!" She beamed coming towards me again, her pure white dress and perfect caramel skin all turning into flames.

I turned around and took off running. I ran and I ran and I ran until I could run no longer from her attacks. "Get back here and finish what you started!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, her now deep, raspy voice beaming all throughout the fiery pits of hell where I was at. I wiped the beads of sweat off of my face as I took a jump over the cliff.

Before I could even land on my feet I was air lifted back up to the cliff to be face to face with my worse nightmare, Clarissa. She drew her arm back and punched me as hard as I could. My body started to fly backwards over the cliff again but my feet stayed planted on the ground, so I couldn't go anywhere.

She punched me. She kicked. She slapped. She spat. She did any and everything she could to get her message across that she hadn't been helping me all of these months. She had simply been fucking with my mind to make me believe she was my guardian angel when she was nothing but an evil demon from hell.

She was a fake, a pretender that I wanted to expose, but how? I shifted my body to the side ducking from her fiery punch for the first time as my mind came to it's senses. The only way to get rid of a demon came to my mind. I've seen countless horror movies before and hopefully these tactics would work but if they weren't going to work, I had a back up plan. The only man that could help me, the only man I devoted my life to I knew would help me.

I woke up screaming, in a cold sweat. I knew I wasn't in one of my hallucinations anymore but I could still see it going on, yet I felt the covers from August's bed surrounding my body, stopping me from running away. I tried opening up my eyes but it's as if they were glued shut. Clarissa scratched away at my face as more demons like her came to me in all directions.

"Justice!" I heard August yelled. "Justice wake up!"

Once the demons surrounded me they looked at me, like I was their new snack. They all took a plunge at my body, ripping out organs and limbs, just trying to get a taste at the new flesh they'd be killing off. My body twisted in all types of directions as they pulled and tugged on it. Clarissa jumped on my shoulders and ripped off my head, as if I was a vampire in Twilight and that was it for me.

My eyes finally fluttered open as my body continued to violently shake and sweat. August hovered over me, looking just as frightened as me. He put his hand over my forehead and then my cheeks, checking my temperature to see if I was okay. "Are you okay?" He breathed out heavily, still shaken up about my violent outbursts and erratic behavior.

I didn't know what to do. What was I supposed to do? Tell him the truth? No way. I didn't need the last person who actually cared about me to think I was some crazy lunatic. He wouldn't look at me the same if I told him the truth. He'd probably keep his distance from me and throw Holy water in my face, just to keep the demons out of his house.

I ignored him and climbed out of my bed walking into the bathroom. I dropped down on my knees in front of the toilet and threw up everything I had eaten from the night before. I couldn't hold it down any longer. I was too frightened about the whole Clarissa situation and her turning on me. Could I have been living a lie for the past few months, getting all caught up in Clarissa lies?

I knew from when we were kids not to get myself too involved with her because she was nothing but a backstabber. A lying bitch, who'd do anything to make sure she was on top and you were beneath her and she even continued to do that in her after life. I had no choice but to break free from Clarissa, even if that meant giving up my chance to live with August again.

I had to do it.


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Um wow?

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