Fireworks (Peter Parker x Reader)

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Her soft smile brightened his world when she glanced at him.

His heart thumped faster as his breaths quicken to match the pace of his thoughts. Just like cars on a freeway, it buzzed by, lacing him to wonder what kind of car was that.

Her h/c hair smelled amazing, making him fall further into her love. Overwhelming and consuming, her love was. He couldn't help but grin back, like a idiot or not. It didn't matter if sometimes she would not be smiling at him and he would embarrass himself, it was the feeling.

His sneakers dragged his foot across the cold, wet pavement. The crying sky caused little pads of water drip down from his black umbrella.

The scent of grass and water filled his nostrils as he avoided the crying people around him.

It all felt numb in his chest were his heart used to be. Feeling like he had been gorged out and hollow, he stared at the engraved brick, wishing it to be a dream.

But it wasn't. This was real. And he wasn't going anywhere.

"Where are we even going?" He asked. It didn't matter where they were going, he just wanted to be next to her. Just for a while. Even if she wasn't his.

Y/N giggled, still holding on to his hand.

"You'll see." She replied, dragging him up the hill.

The vast valley below them sprouted wildflower and made him think of her always. It was their favorite place to hang out besides his bedroom.

"It better be good," he joked, "I don't like walking."

She just rolled her eyes.

And here he was, back at the little valley, trudging back up the hill.

Memories held the place together as Peter loved this place. Even in the bitter rain, it still looked magical just like the first time he was here.

"Are we there yet?"

"I said the top of the hill, idiot." She said, "Aren't you supposed to be smart?"

"Are you calling yourself dumb?" Peter retorted back.

"C'mon" She ignored his comeback, "we're going to miss it!"

"You still haven't told me what."

They arrived in the top of the hill, overlooking the neighborhood on one side and below them was a rocky cliff that the beach that New York rarely had.

It was rough, but it was something.

"This is amazing." Peter complimented.

"Just wait," She glanced at him with the beautiful e/c eyes he fell in love with. "It'll get better."

The cliff looked really tempting below him.

He lost everything.

His team, his powers, his family and the love of his life.

This time, there was no Y/N waiting for him when he goes back. There is not Aunt May making her cookies. There is no Avengers ushering him to train.

But he wouldn't do it, he promised everyone that he would be strong.

Even if that meant he wasn't happy. What matters is that the innocent are happy. Their happiness was worth more than his.

A loud boom was hear and they looked up to see sparks.

Lights and neon streamers shot up, contrasting against the midnight blue sky. It was like a star, giving him wonder and curiosity.

Lighting up his vision, he spared a glance at Y/N. She had a wonder struck look on her face, filled with awe.

Peter could hear his heart crack with adoration.

Peter could hear his heart crack with heartbreak.

The same streams of light shot up like confetti. The sun set down as the light shoots up.

It was bright, strong and overwhelming.

Sending a small wave of memories came hurling back at him.

But this time, it filled with warmth in his chest as he recalled the memories.

"Wow." Was all he said.

He glanced at Y/N again, but she was looking at him too.

"I'm glad you liked it." She smiled, the lights flickered on her face.

Their face was really close, he felt his eyes trailed down to her lips.

"I want to kiss you." Peter whispered.

"Then do it." She replied, smiling a little.

And he did.

Connecting the two warm lips, it filled butterflies in his stomach.

They didn't need the fireworks that where promised in fairy tales, they had real fireworks right there.

And that was all they needed.

Peter set the wildflower he picked up on his way back on the gravestone.

Then placing a small kiss on his palm to press against the cool stone, he walked away.

With the last of his tears and his promise to be strong.

The fireworks blossomed in the background, drowning out his thoughts and filled his head with all the warm memories to keep him through the night.

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