Stay Safe (Peter Parker x Reader)

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Blood started pouring out of his wound as he limped from building to building. His apartment was miles from here and he would never make it. Peter still was determined to try though.

His side was engulfed in pain as the wound burned.

Limping over the edge of the building, he raised his wrist to take him away but nothing came out as he jumped.

Cursing while he fell, the metal underneath him tore apart his foot as he cried out in pain.

"Ohmy—" said a girl. "Jesus."

Peter turned around, meeting a pair of e/c eyes that were shocked. Her h/c hair was messily thrown over a shoulder. Wearing nothing but a shorts and a graphic tee.

"Um, hi." Peter squeaked.

"Spiderman, um... Do you need help?" She asked, opening the screen door to her balcony. "Not to hurt your ego or anything."

Peter tried to smile but then remembered that he was wearing a mask.

"Yes, please."

She rushed back inside her apartment and came out with bandages and a washcloth. Tucking a pice of hair behind her ear, Peter watched as the random civilian began wiping away the excess blood.

"This might hurt." She warned before she wiped away the blood on his wound.

Hissing in pain, he grimaced.

She sent him a apologetic look and dabbed some alcohol to defect his wound. Bandaging it up she began to ramble. "I worked as a assistant for a doctor once and thankfully I picked up some skills. I hope it doesn't hurt too much. I have some Advil in my cupboard if that will help."

Peter just put a hand on her shoulder, making her stiffen. "It's fine, thanks."


Peter found the apartment he crashed into last time and sling down to the balcony and knocked on the glass door. He glanced in and saw her jump up.

"Spiderman." She greeted, breathlessly. "Are you bleeding again?" She joked.

"No." He said, then shuffling his feet awkwardly, he glanced down. "I just want to thank you for last time and I want to say if you ever need anything—"

She laughed, making Peter blush under his mask. "No it's fine, Spiderman. I'm sure you're busy." Then, sending a blinding smile to him. "I was just doing my duties as a average citizen, anyway."

"And what is this average citizen's name?"

She smiled, warmly. "Y/N. You don't have to tell me your name."

Peter smiled under his red mask. "Okay, but my offer earlier still stands."


His cuts, bruises and the large, bleeding wound in his thigh and forehead from his fight earlier made him unable to move much. His webs only carried him so far.

Peter knew he would never make it back home without bleeding out or causing any pain that would probably make him unable to move at all.

She was the only place he could go.

Falling on to her balcony, he groaned as he guessed her ripped open his wound even more.

Thankfully, the living room light was open and Y/N was in there. She jumped up, alarmed, and ran over wearing a tank top and shorts.

"Jesus," she said, inspecting his wounds and dragging him inside. "Let me get the stuff." She said before disappearing into the kitchen.

Peter caught himself staring at the mirror in her hallway. He looked terrible. His eyes found the large gash on his forehead and his thoughts raced. If she was going to clean that up, she'll need to take off his mask because of the strips of material in his wound. His identity will be exposed.

After she cleaned up his other wounds, she glanced up at the gash on his forehead.

"It's all right." Peter said, reaching for the ends of his mask.

"I won't tell anyone, I swear." She said, meeting his actual eyes.

"My name is Peter. Thank you." He smiled, genuinely.

"Just my job as a average citizen." She replied, her eyes twinkling with humor.


Peter was anxious about Y/N and how she knew his identity. But a part of him trust her with that secret, he didn't know why. He barely knew her, but he felt like he could trust her with his life.

And right now was one of the moments.

He just finished saving a bank from a robbery and he passed by her apartment. Her face was engraved in his mind and he desperately wanted to see her again. It's been a month.

Landing gracefully on to her balcony, he knocked.

She came out in a sleek f/c dress. Her hair was twisted up while a crystal necklace hung like water droplets frozen in time around her neck.

"Uh... Going somewhere?" He asked.

"Yeah, I got a date." She grinned.

Peter felt his heart deflate. Realization of him having a small crush on a girl he barely knew came to him. But reality jerked him back to reality real quick.

"Oh." Peter said, his voice a little small. "Have fun."

"Do you have any injuries?" She asked, freezing and looking over him with concern.

Y/N looked at him with sister love. Family love. Peter felt a little sad that she didn't even see him as a friend.

"No, just wanted to say hi and tell you I'm not dead." Peter said, raising his wrist at a building nearby.

She smiled. "I know, I watch the news."

Embarrassment burned him as he blushed under his mask. "Oh, um... Bye."

She smiled and walked over, kissing him on the forehead. "I'll see you soon, Spiderman."

He smiled, weakly. Even if she couldn't see, it was out of habit. "Yeah, I'll stay safe."

And he slung away and into the night.


No part 2, sorry guys.

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