39| Why?

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I slept well that night, better than I ever had. The ringing of my phone woke me up, and surprisingly I wasn't mad about it.

" Hello" I answered.

" Hey, it's Charlie, did I wake you up? I wasn't sure about the timing"

" Yeah, you did"

" And you're not mad about it?" Charlie asked with a hint of confusion in his voice.

" Nope" I replied simply.

" Did something happen with you and the prince?" He asked.

The thought of him made a stupid grin spread across my face.

" We're okay" I answered as I twirled my messy hair.

" Anything special happen?"

" Special how?"

" Forget it"

" Fine. How's my best friend?"

" Andrea has a dance recital today. She wishes you could see it"

" Aww, I wish I could see it too. Maybe you can FaceTime me"

" During the show"

" It'll be fine" I assured him.

" Okay then"

" How's the baby?"

" Yeah, it's more like babies..."

" What?!"

" We're having twins..." he stated nervously.

" You nervous?"

" Is that even a question?! I'm terrified. I really wish I had my best friend with me too. I guess me and Andrea feel the same way"

" Well, you can blame your wife for that"

" I blame you for being too attractive and funny for the prince to resist"

" If it weren't for her and my mom I wouldn't be here"

" Yeah, sure"

" Whatever, Charlie. I've got to go, bye"

" Bye," he said before I hung up the phone.

I had no idea why I was so happy. I mean I'm not a morning person or anything. I'm just so happy it's not...me.

The thought of me being so happy in the morning didn't sit right with me. I thought long and hard about why I'm feeling this way.

What was the last thing on my mind before I drifted off into a lovely sleep.


This can only mean one thing...

I have...feelings for him.

No, it can't be.

But I guess there's no other reason for my slap-happy attitude. I guess I have to accept it.

No, I won't. I will not accept that I have feelings for him. I'm just making random suggestions based on movies and books.

After a bit more thinking, I finally came to a decision. My plan has not changed, I will get kicked off.

I will have the last laugh.


Sebastian POV

I woke up from a dream that I wish would've never ended. I was at home in Romania with Toni. She flashed her beautiful smile that made my heart leap. I had such strong feelings for her, she was my world, my everything. Though it's nothing new, she seemed to have them too, and based on last night I think it's safe to say she does.

Queen Me|1|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora