20| I've Been Played

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I felt no need to stay in the room and watch people cry so I left with Wanda and Beck tailing after me.

" What are we supposed to do now?" Wanda asked.

" I don't know about you, but I'm going to take a nap until they get this whole thing sorted out"

"Oh...well, I guess I can hang out in Beck's room" Wanda stated nonchalantly.

" What? Why my room? Why can't it be yours?" Beck asked in confusion.

"  As long as it's not in mine I'm all good" I informed them as they both started arguing.

I left them without even being noticed as I headed towards my room. I plopped on the plush bed in exhaustion.

" Me time," I said aloud as I started to drift off to sleep.

My phone started ringing waking me up from my little nap.

"I guess I spoke too soon" I sighed.

" What do you want?" I greeted kindly.

" It's Natasha, Sebastian's sister, are you busy?" She asked.

" Not at all I mean I did try to take a nap but..."

" Oh good, meet me outside in 10!" She said joyfully before she hung up the phone.

" What is up with the royal family and leaving with a time and place?" I pondered aloud.

I rolled off my bed and adjusted my outfit as I looked in the mirror.

My phone started ringing again and I sighed in frustration.

" I'll be there!" I yelled into the phone annoyed.

"You're coming home?" Charlie's voice asked.

" Oh, Charlie, it's just you," I said with relief.

" Who'd you think I was?" He asked.

" Someone else obviously" I proclaimed sassily.

"Would that someone be the prince?"

" You're starting to sound like Jackie" I informed him.

" Just wanted to know my best friend's secret. Remember we don't keep secrets from each other"

" You're really annoying you know"

" I try"

" A little too hard"

"I know"

" So what did you call me for? I'm kind of in a rush"

" To where?"

" Over the rainbow, now answer my question."

" Your mom and Jackie have been freaking out over your last call and the episode, which I found pretty entertaining, but I shouldn't expect anything less from you"

" And that's supposed to concern me because....?"

" The baby"

"What about it?"

" I don't know what to do"

" You've been through this before, don't be a bitch!" I encouraged.

Someone knocked on my door gathering my attention.

" That's not the point"

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