Day 4 (Dear sibling)

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Dear brother,

Oh you little poop! I lost the game because of you!

Anyway, not the point. Point is... You're a big boy now! A big boy in college! Oh, le gasp! And from the pictures and stuff you post on Facebook... Looks like you're having a lot of fun. Without me... Sniffle. Haha just kidding! Glad to see you're having fun.

Okay, let me get to the actual point now... Oh wow. I always hear people saying how horrible their brother or sister is. They say like, "Oh my gosh, yeah, they beat me up yesterday. I hate them so much." And I just sit there, like... "I like kittens." Because I have nothing to add to the horrible sibling topic! I mean, we get along probably 80% of the time! I bet it's because you're so mature. You know you won't get anywhere in life if you bring other people down, and that's one thing I learned from you.

Another thing is that your talents are just... mind-blowing. Specifically your musical talent. To me, it just doesn't make sense how talented one person could be. I mean, you can sing, play guitar, bass, piano, drums... You could be your own band! Haha but what also puzzles me is why are people like Rebecca Black or Justin Bieber famous and you're not? I hope you become well-known soon, then I can be like, "Hey... See that one asian dude over there? You know, famous and all? He's my brother." I'd be so proud!

But really... I already am really proud of you. You're just some genious kid, but you're not this genious kid all caught up in school work and crap. You have a great balance of things. Smart, fun, humorous, musical. You've got it all. So keep being amazing and have fun in college. :)


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