Chapter Four

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I wait briefly outside with Cary while they deal with Destin changing. I call Bonnie to tell her she can come home whenever she wants that Destin's changing here so I'll be on the porch waiting. She agrees and says she's on her way. I wait briefly until Blaze walks out and sees me then smiles as he pulls me to him.

I'm glad you're out here. I wanted to see you and Cary. This really sucks you know... My little brother changing before me. It's not right.

I snicker at his complaining but kiss him to try to calm him. Sure I feel guilty about kissing his brother, but he's my mate and father of my child. So he's the one I must choose.

I'm not just gonna leave my mate. I knew I was needed here. How is your brother?

He's struggling. He keeps puking up the blood but they're giving him some shots. I don't think they're working. It's not looking good.

Worry crosses his face but I know I have a talent that can save him so I say it.

Destin will live, he will not die. He will make the change, you will see. Everything will be okay.

I use my talent to save lives but my stomach still turns at the thought of losing Destin so I rub it and feel a tingle so I look at Blaze as I realize I'm pregnant again. I rub my belly again and it starts to grow but I stop when I feel the first sign of labor and his eyes widen.


He scolds me.

Blaze! Don't yell at me. You're just as guilty here. I just sped up the process. It's not like I'm in... Oh God! That was my water, I'm in labor!

I complain as the bloody mess gushes down my legs.

Damn it Anita! You couldn't wait to speed up the process until later?!

He continues to scold me just more aggressive now.

Screw you Blaze! I didn't get pregnant by myself and I didn't mean to go into labor now! Go take care of your brother and I'll go have our son by myself!

I yell back him now upset and feeling the cramps starting.

That's not what I meant!

He starts to explain but I cut him off.

I don't care what you meant. I'll go have Kevin and you go take care of Destin! Goodnight, babe!

I demand now pissed that he yelled at me but then I start feeling sharper cramps.

Kevin?! You named him Kevin already and didn't even talk to me about it! Do I even get to be the father?!

He raises his voice getting angry tossing his hands around so I yank my purse around my shoulder as I shake my head yelling back.

No you did! I saw it in the vision but that doesn't matter anymore! Things have changed. So go back inside! Be with your brother and I'll go to the hospital! Love you, bye!

Just then Bonnie shows up so I grab her and we take off toward the car. As we're getting in Blaze runs over and jumps in.

Destin made the change and my parents are gonna lock the house up and bring him. Oh, they're calling you're parents to.

To late sir. I already called her parents. They're meeting us the hospital.

He nods as he shuts his door and we take off. A little while later we're pulling in but Blaze is quick to pull me from the car.

Help! We're having a baby!

I giggle then groan but he just carries me straight to the nurses with the bed. They immediately strap me down and take me to a room making him wait with Bonnie and Cary while they get me ready but it's taking to long and hurts to much so I wiggle my hand free and rub my belly speeding up the process which also causes me more pain. After I deliver Kevin they let Blaze come in and see us. Then I heal myself and our families come in. My dad complains about us having two babies in one weekend then they send a human in so I can feed. After I feed another girl walks in but Destin grabs Cary and without asking just takes her over and let's her feed. I smack Blaze and he quickly goes to stop him but it's to late. Cary clamps down and starts to grow. I pull Kevin to me upset that Destin would do this to us as Blaze picks up our now toddler size daughter.

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