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Hello Marie. How was your trip? Did you ruin anyone else's life?"

I punch Chris in the shoulder for his rude remark then turn to Nola who's sitting there with him and Sky who's much older. She smiles weekly as her wrinkles show her age. I can tell she's stayed in France waiting for Chris to return.

I'm going to have my baby tomorrow when we get up. I'll be an adult by then so I'll legally be able to have a child. However my child's father won't be available but he already signed and stamped his birth certificate so all should be fine. Chris, I do believe Nola told you she will be staying to raise my child until I return in my true body as one, Anita Marie Walters.

Yes she told me. Sky and I shall do it best to help her raise your child until then. He will be kept on bottles and cups so that you can allow him to grow up when you return.

Thank you. I'd like that. At least until I return. Sky would you mind if I speak with you alone.

Chris looks at Sky nodding so she was with me to where tiny bedroom

Sky I can see that time has aged you and yet Chris is still as youthful as he was the day we left. Would you allow me to touch you? I have a talent like your mother's.

Yes I would very much appreciate that. I do so wish to please my mate. I have waited so long and the time separation as been dreadful. When you left with him I felt as if he died. Tonight when he returned I felt it as if he never left and came here as soon as I felt it connection. I had to see him. I sent word to our son. I just hope he's still with my mother and father. They've been so secluded from everyone for so long now I don't know if they'll come or not.

She says while I return her youth.

Sky? Why are your parents hiding from everyone? They're the High Royal family.

After my mom and dad had Just, Michael and Penelope there was an attack on the family. Lots of humans and vampires were killed. My family is the reason we have the secure boarder's with the human realm. We can then tolls stops but the human don't their honeymoon calls them to secret or restricted areas. Apparently they went even allow they're kind to fly over our realms because because our forcefield puts of too much energy and messes up their equipment.

Yeah so.

Well some of their people don't like the idea of being left out so they sneak pay the boarder's somehow as do ours. This causes attacks and my family just happens to be where the attack happened but from humans and vamps. My family recovered but they lost a lot of their human family that they loved dearly. Now they leave a shield only family can cross up.

Well in a Walters and I crossed it.

Yes but I'm a Walters and we're linked because of that. My family is tied to the Walters family.

Huh... Well there you go. You look like you did the day I met you.

She smiles thanking me then we walk back out to see Chris smile happily. Then I look at Nola talking to the family so I walk over to her.

Nola? Chris and Sky have agreed to help you with my son. But, your father may show up here. I do not want him to know who my son is our for you to tell him who you are to him. You Will not go to him until I return unless he comes to you and your Will not tell him about my son.

I will not tell him or go to him aunt Marie.

Okay Nola. Because you know that things have changed and you are an adult now. You're going to start feeling things and you may even find a mate before I return.

The Hidden Secret (Book Four) Where stories live. Discover now