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We all stand there looking at Century until Blaze speaks up.

As strange so that sounds it's true. You all have the same scent. I know I've met my double Chris and our connection was immediate because when we shook hands we saw our past and how I was created. I even saw Anita save him before she took him. I was born from the soul essence that was left behind after being revived.

Rosa Walks over then without hesitation grabs my hand and before anyone can say anything. The next thing I know where in the clouds watching our lives pass, just as Blaze described.

Leave them. Do not touch them. They're remembering together. You want them to forgive and forget then leave them be.

Father shakes Destin's hand then.

It's time you met my dad...

Rosa and I wake to find Nathen and Destin on the ground while everyone watches us. Then I notice Century standing, holding his arms out above him creating a forcefield around us keeping the others away.

Do not touch my father's. They are still learning.

We look at each other sitting up then move away from each other as the guys wake up but quickly move away to each of us. The past is clear but so is our connection. Century drops his arms looking at us then.

You are all the same therefore you must choose how to rule our people together as one. If you cannot I will choose for you.

Easton shakes out his wings then steps forward.

Are you threatening our...

No Easton. I do not make threats. I come from the past but I was sent by a greater power. Yes my mother is Anita and my father is Nathen but my skills are of a greater power not of this world. I was given a mission before I was ever born to which I will complete should your decisions force my hand. Now, you must choose and choose wisely for I know all.

We look at him but the words he speaks vibrate with truth sending a chill to the bone of everyone listening until Cary speaks up.

Century? Brother? What if they cannot reach an agreement? What will happen?

He looks at her rubbing her cheek sightly smiling before looking around at everyone then taking her hand.

Dear sister I am sorry that you will have to suffer if everyone continues to choose to continue down this path of distraction. I was sent to determine what's best for all our kind. We will no longer exist as what we know or we will become what we have always feared.

With his words panic shoots through all of us. Some think death. Other see fire, while most think of being humans or blood thirsty savages.

What do you mean son? What can we do to fix this? If we stay here we'll...

Destin starts but Century cuts him off.

No! You must figure out a way. I cannot do this for you. I have my instructions and you now know the way. Either choose the path of right or be destroyed.

But son? You'd destroy your own family? Your own parents?

Yes. You do not know the fire I've seen the destruction that will come from the path that the four of you have created. If you do not choose a new path. So now you must choose. You have no choice.

We look at each other now seeing the dire need for us to cooperate but how? We know we cannot be around one another but we share a child and we all share a bond which requires touch. We all refuse to share our mates so how do we compromise?

The Hidden Secret (Book Four) Where stories live. Discover now