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Wow a family reunion.

Destin says right off the bat making Candy frown. I really don't get it. What did I do to her? All I did was come to meet him. I'm not here to start trouble.

Hello children, my king, my queen.

I try to show my respect and teach my children how to act so they follow suit as does Destin but Daniel just chuckles.

Now Anita dear it's truly not necessary for you to act so proper toward me or my mate. We are also your parents.

Candy quickly looks at him shock on her face then looks at me as if I were gonna attack or something but I just lightly laugh. With her reaction I can't help myself. No I don't see her as one of my parents but her response is self explanatory that she doesn't either.

Sorry but that's how I was raised. All royalty is shown their proper respect regardless of who you are. Our children will learn that as well.

Candy smiles at me then.

I like that. All children should be taught that lesson. It teaches them their station in life and it shows respect.

I quickly caught her words as she looks at me making sure I knew that she's above me and that I should know my place and show respect like I haven't already. This kinda of pisses me off but Destin quickly grabs my hand squeezing it gently.

So about that vision you had Sugar. Don't you think you should tell your uh, father about it so he can deal with the issue and then nobody will think you're trying to be a controlling sister or trying overstep your bounds.

You had a vision? Since when do you have visions mom?

Cary quickly ask thinking Destin slipped but I just smile and look at Daniel.

It just sorta happened Cary don't freak out. Father I had a vision a little before you came to the door. That's what took so long to come to the door. I had to regroup.

I tell him about the babies and how the one can't feed on blood yet but they keep forcing him to and it's killing him. I tell him how they're gonna blame me and Destin when the baby dies because we we're going to try to warn them.

That's why she's telling you. We were hoping you could get them to feed the baby to avoid any conflict.

Oh my. Daniel sweetie we have to do something. We can't just let that little baby die.

Candy says now worried so he sighs.

Don't worry dear we'll speak with them and save their child but as for you Anita. It's nice to have a visionary in the family. You are quit talented. That's a very rare talent indeed. However, we should keep your talents quiet. Should other learn you have multiple talents they may try to use you or harm you and I would hate to have to have someone destroyed. I want to get to know you and for you to get to know us.

I know. We won't say anything about my talents to anyone but I do agree with Candy, we can't let that baby die.

Okay, Okay. We'll go talk to them now. You vampire women are so impatient. Let's go then.

We start to walk out but Daniel stops.

Anita, maybe you and your family should meet us at the doctors office. He called me a little while ago telling me we should come to his office so we'll meet you there. Finlo, Karlen you can go with your sister and her children. Mommy and daddy have to go see Justin and Nadine about their babies.

Candy freezes and starts to argue but before she can I take their hands and smile.

Destin, Cary, Kevin take. A hold  of Finlo's and Karlen's hands so we can go. We'll see you at the doctors office.

The Hidden Secret (Book Four) Where stories live. Discover now