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I toss our bags in Blaze's car when I notice another bag but it's small and smells wonderful. I know it belongs to his "back up" but whoever it is smells amazing and that's not good. I can't understand why I want to pick up his bag and just keep smelling it but it's driving me crazy.

Hey Anita. Why are you looking at my bag like that. Blaze told you I was coming didn't he?

I quickly look at Destin backing away remembering the future I came from in a flash and losing my breath as I grab the door for support but he reaches for me.

What's wrong? Did you have a vision? Should I get Blaze?

But him grabbing my arm was the wrong thing for him to do. The images shoot from me to him as a jolt of energy rocks through both of us landing us both on the ground.

Shit! Why did you have to touch me?! I've tried so hard to avoid it and you just had to...

What's going on out here? Are you guys okay?

I gather myself as Blaze walks out looking at us while we dust ourselves off.

We're fine honey. We just ran into each other. Right Destin?

They look at each other but Destin just shrugs.

What? You heard her. We ran into each other. I tried to catch her but we both fell.

Blaze grins then gets in plugging in his phone charger. Then yells for the kids so we can go.

Are we in a hurry or something?

Destin asks now curious.

Yes. If this boy is Anita son I want her to have him here with her. It's causing her to suffer and my mate isn't going to suffer.

Destin's frown was an obvious give away of his next question so Blaze just answers before he can ask.

Yes Destin she 'may' have a son out there that 'could' be hers. We're not sure if he is or not so we're going to check. She's a time traveler and thinks she had him in her travels but can't remember... Come on Cary, Kevin! Slow ass kids.

Bro. You're willing to take this kid in even if he's not yours? What if he, you know. Doesn't change?

He's already changed Destin. He's a full vampire with wings like Anita. She has pictures of him. She even has a birth certificate.

Then why are we going to get him? Just send for the kid. If you have a birth certificate then he's rightfully yours and whoever has him has no right to keep him. Just send for him.

No we're going to get him. That way if he's not really hers then he's not taken for no reason.

Cary and Kevin hop in the car then ignoring their conversation like I silently insisted they do. But this trip offers me a lot more then just my son and I know it so I text my mother.

Mom I'm going to France to meet Daniel. I know about him and it's time you tell dad. I know you don't want to but you must. A DNA text will prove my paternity but you and dad will be fine in the end as long as you agree to work on your relationship with him. I love you.

I wait and get a quick reply.

I'm holding your mothers phone for her dear. I'll go talk to her now and we will be discussing all this when you return. I do want a DNA test if yours is in question. I love you and be safe.

I look at Blaze a little worried and he frowns.

What? What's wrong sweetie?

I just told my mom that we were going to France so she needs to tell my dad about him not being my father because I'm going to go meet Daniel while I'm there but my dad has her phone so he got the message. I just told him and he's wanting to talk about everything when we get back. How are we going to explain Century?

The Hidden Secret (Book Four) Where stories live. Discover now