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I hear my name but I can't do anything. The images keep rolling through my mind. Then suddenly I get a blast of energy that shots through me as his lips press against mine. I know it's him. There's nobody else that can make me feel this way. I quickly wrap my arms around him pulling him to me kissing him. I want him to know I'm his but he keeps thinking about leaving me. I have to change his mind. I just have to. Why is he kissing me like this if he wants to leave? Why tease me?

Oh Blaze, you can't leave me. I need you.

I pull his shirt off before he a can even respond but he quickly grunts with approval them pulls off mine and he finds my wings and pulls away to look at me.

What wrong? Do my wings scare you?

He quickly decided he doesn't care then kisses me again so I go with it quickly pulling my pants off pushing his down but he hesitates not being sure that he wants to keep going but I don't want to wait so I pull him letting him feel me and the vibration I cause him.

Umm, you feel good.

I pulls him down on the stack of mats slipping him in just a little and moaning as I cling to him which cause him more excitement so he gives in. He pushes, pulling me to him gently until he can move easily. We pull each other as I scratch and call out to him. I get the urge to bite him but refuse. We finish together then kiss a little before redressing but I quickly run to the restroom to freshen up realizing we didn't use a condom.

Anita are you okay in there?

I wash my hands then walk out.

No I'm fine. We just forgot to use protection so we need to be more careful next time.

Our bond is formed and he knows our future but this news upsets him.

What?! No... We can't have forgot! Now you'll get...

He stops his rant realizing what he's doing but it's to late. I know now that he doesn't want to be here. He wants time to think about everything.

Anita I'm sorry. I just need to think about everything. I know we're mated and you're mine but this is so much. Anita...

I turn as I grab my belly feeling the ache again but it just gets worse so I try to heal it but instead of the ache going away my belly grows. I quickly move my hands when I feel a thump from the inside of my belly.

Anita! What the hell?!

I look at him then my new belly then back to him before huffing and crossing my arms.

Well I guess I'm pregnant but don't worry about it! Go home and think about what you want! I'll be here. You know pregnant with your daughter! Go!

I feel another thump then another so I rub my protruding belly but it grows again but he complains.

That's not fair Anita! We didn't know you were going to get pregnant so fast and we rushed into things. We don't need to.. Anita!


I grab him as pain rips through me but I can't stop it even though I try. So he yanks my bloody pants off to see the tiny head of our daughter coming out as I cry.

Push Anita! push!

I push like he says then hear her tiny cry but he giggles.

Anita baby, she's perfect.

I see their bond instantly connect them but now I can feel him even stronger. His thought spin as he holds her so I heal myself then send for my mom to bring me some clean clothes and for her to send for a doctor a few minutes later my she shows up with my clothes with my dad right behind her. But he quick turns around.

The Hidden Secret (Book Four) Where stories live. Discover now