Chapter One

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My teeth ache and my wings feel heavy. I've lived this life of royalty but it's always the same thing everyday. Get up see my parents managing our people then go to school and let's not forget perform the royal duties of a royal princess. I'm tired of being this perfectly groomed vampire. I want to be like the other normal girls. Why can't I be the one with no wings? No, I had to be born a pure blood with multiple talents so now the guys want to run away from me. Ever since my great aunt Penelope took several mates and the rumors spread about it. Guys are afraid of my kind and think we can hex them or something. Even though that was like a twenty or thirty years ago. She only has one mate now and they're very happy. Although he did kill all the others to keep her. He said it was his right. Which technically by our laws it is. I guess she was just a whore in other words. We work everyday with the humans. Some know about us but most don't. We stay pretty low key. We've learned a lot from them and taught them things about us as well. Our borders are now guarded and there's a toll to pass. The humans suggested this to stop stray people from entering. Apparently this happened when the originals. Aka, my ancestors happened. Who by the way we're high queen and king Rosalind and Nathen War's. It's been about a 100 years since they ruled and I'm their last heir. My names Anita Marie War's. Daughter of Peter War's. The son of Michael War's, the son of Easton War's. Who's the son of Nathen and Rosalind War's the originals. All the other children have been killed off. I am their legacy.

My aunt, my father and I are all that remains of the War family. My older brother was killed during a battle for his mate. Who knew she'd turn on him after their tournament. She was very clever to keep her mind blocked. Apparently he told her he could hear her mind. Nobody knows this but us. It's been passed down in our bloodline but it's kept a secret because of traders. I on the other hand can take talents like my dear great grandma. It's rather nice but still I get lonely. I shake my wings out then tuck them away. It's time to start another long boring day. Maybe someone will try to kill me today instead of my dad or my aunt our maybe my mom? Who knows here lately but I know they'll try to attack me eventually. That's why I've been taking all the talents I can so I can protect myself. My wings and hair look like a damn rainbow but I hide them with the chameleon talent I took from Tabby Walters. She's my good friends and cousin but Taylor Elton's my best friend I took the electric talent from her but she can also read minds. The electrics rather interesting to play with sometimes. I should graduate soon but being around all the other students doesn't change the fact that I'm full grown and they're still the size of children. The more talents I take the more I grow and I'm bigger than most of them. Some of The guys are bigger but not many. Even some of them back up when I speak others hunker down but some just go on about their business like it's normal. I can hear their thoughts but block them from hearing mine only letting them hear simple things like school chatter and simple gossip. I don't want the wrong people hearing things that are private.

I'm off to school father. I shall see you at first light.

He smiles then walking to me.

I shall see you at first light my dear daughter. Do me proud today. Drive safely and learn well.

Yes father, I will.

I leave and I zip down the road as I drive to the school passing the old abandoned road that goes into the forest. There's occasional tracks lead in and out but I never see anyone coming or going. I think I may check it one day. That's just me though, always looking for trouble. Or at least That's what my aunt keeps telling me. I hate being so proper. It's just not me. I don't like being so uppity all the time. I want to be me, just carefree me. I park in the garage next to Taylor as she steps out.

Well hey there Anita. You look rather pissy today. Who messed up your morning routine? Didn't daddy let you feed first?

Very funny Taylor. You know how it is at home. I hate having to be the perfect little princess. I just want to be me for a change. You know without all the fake shit. Why can't I just live a normal life like everyone else? It's bullshit you know.

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