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I watch as time passes then I see my past self. I watch as time rewinds and stop when I see Rosalind talking with Christopher with a group of other students. The school's basically the same just more colorful. There's a lot more red and gold on display than there is in my day. It's kind of overbearing. As Christopher talks with Rosalind and her group I walk toward the front of the building only to be stopped by headmaster Byron.

Oh hello. I haven't meet you yet. Come with me, we'll get you settled. What is your name child?

I glimpse in the hall mirror as we pass and time has changed my appearance as well. I appear to be younger and more youthful.

My name? Oh Marie Walters. I just got here a few minutes ago. My father and mother weren't able to come but here's my papers.

He looks them over curious but nods and copies them then signs a few other papers.

Come with me and we'll get you settled in a room. Mrs. Mares is waiting and already knows you're coming.

I nod and take of toward the black and white doors where this woman is waiting patiently for me.

Marie I presume?

Yes, that would be me.

Well I'm Ivy Mares, the school counselor. I am always here if you need me. We weren't expecting you.

I nod and follow her through the crowd of students now looking at us but it's odd to see two girls who look like near twins. I pass Christopher and nod with a smile causing Rosalind to frown with jealousy while she talks to him.

Hey Chris. Long time no see cuz.

Ivy snickers but Chris is confused. He doesn't remember me or my part of the family.

Uh, hey cuz. How's the family?

I hear then that he just had an uncle Pete pass away and see the family get together as my in.

Oh you know. With uncle Pete passing dads always grouchy and well mom is mom. Always trying to learn how to do something. Next she'll be trying to fly to.

He chuckles then grabs Rosalind's hand pulling her around to face me.

This is Rosa. She's new here to. Maybe the 2 of you can be friends.

Hi Rosa, my lame brain cousin forgot to mention, my names Marie. Looks like we'll be schooling together for a while.

I don't mean to be rude and interrupt but Ms. Walter's we should get you to your room so you can get to your classes.

Oh okay, see ya's later

I can hear in Rosa's mind that she's curious about me but Chris is confused. He doesn't know who my parents are or how I'm related. I walk off with Ivy going to a private room that's nice and cozy. When I walk out to go to class I see Chris there ready go see Rosa as. I can sense their bond but it's not strong. She's still a child but she's waiting to be with someone else. Even though Chris is very interested in her. Whoever she's waiting for doesn't know it yet but she's his so she's refusing Chris. I watch as they walk ahead of me and go into class but there's others here who want to get to know me. They're intrigued by me and Rosa looking so much alike.

Hey new girl wait up.

I turn to look but so does Rosa with Chris.

Not you, her.

The guy points at me so Chris turns Rosa and they walk on into self defence class.

What's up?

The Hidden Secret (Book Four) Where stories live. Discover now