Chapter Eight

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I stand there at first as Destin closes the door behind us bringing me back to my senses.

It is I. The child that was taken from you. I've come with my mate and my children to meet you.

He turns quickly, shock on his face to look at the four of us.

It can't be! Tracy's hidden my child from me her entire life! Who? When? How?

He questions as his mind rambles. Then he looks at my small family curious.

I need answers child. Will you stay and permit me time to teach you our ways and introduce you to our family? May I meet my grandchildren?

Destin looks at me hesitant as he stands Kevin beside him with a nod in my direction but my feelings are mixed. Something feels wrong. I just don't feel comfortable yet. He is their grandfather according to my mother.

Yes. This is Cary and this is Kevin. They we're both born this past weekend.

His eyes widen but he reaches out to them and smiles.

Hello Cary, Kevin I am your grandpa Walter's I am the King here in France so you and your parent are my royal heirs. Your mommy is my eldest child. I have been looking for her for several years now.

They stood there unwilling to hug him so he frowns standing upright looking at us.

I'm told you carry the War's family crest and you have their legendary wings. Is this true?

A sudden urge to be on alert overwhelms me then and Destin grins picking up Kevin so I pick up Cary.

I was born wingless but when Peter signed my birth certificate I developed wings. They bare the War's family crest but Peter said something about having to give me to you because he was deceived. He just found out yesterday after I found out from Bonnie. I confronted my mother in front him
His eyes widened again as he leaned against the desk. A new fear in his eyes.

Did Peter harm your mother?

No. They're discussing ways to fix their union. I believe they'll come here to fix things with you as well. Or at least you're suppose to be.

Yes well, I'd like to see your birth certificate. Do you have it?

I nod as he continues.

I know you're mine. I've had the feeling your entire life. I've dealt with the loss for to long and you being here is wonderful. Signing your papers will bring me great pleasure.

I smile at his eagerness so I look at Destin now feeling a little more at ease.

Well in that case, I'd like you to meet my mate Des...

Mate! Oh yes your mate. Have you been introduced to all the royal dukes already? I don't recall an invite for this.

I have and I didn't meet anyone. I do have a mate already and as you can see, we have two children.

He looks over looking at Destin and grins.

Yes well. What have you to offer my daughter? Are you a duke or do you even have a title?

I scoff as Destin huffs then adjust.

I have no title and I seek no title. I didn't even know she had a title until after I felt the bond between us.

They stand there staring at each other until I finally speak up.

Look, I know you missed out on a lot but Destin is my mate and these are my...

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