0 0 0

I pick the daggers up and take my position but he's still confused so I click my daggers together bringing him back to reality.

Sorry about that. I've just never seen anyone want to continue so quickly.

He tries to cover while taking his place. We battle briefly but he just can't seem to focus so I 'accidental' slice his arm when he doesn't defend his space properly.

Damn it! Keep your guard up.

I demand then without thinking I grab and heal his arm causing the jolt to blast us both again but I ignore it as I realize what I had just done.

You're a healer?

I quickly pull away and pick up my daggers wiping them off and putting them away.

I am many things but a healer? I guess I am. Are you okay to continue or do you want to call it a night?

His eyes widen as he looks at me but he's sure he wants to continue.

No, no. We can continue. Do you want to try bows or guns?

Aren't they both in the same building here?

Actually no. There's only one school I know of that has them both in the same building but that's the Finland school.

The thought of Finland reminds him of his past mate and the child that was never born. His thoughts become sad so I interrupt unable to bare the thought of losing a child.

Okay well let's do the bow then guns. Then if it's not to late we can practice some one on one.

He grins being amused by my planning but then offers his own suggestion.

How about we do the one on one first since we're already here then move on to the bow and then gun.

I nod accepting his offer and walk over to the mats preparing myself while he pulls his shirt off and steps forward. The Nathen I saw in the future is much larger and has a lot more power within him so I know now that I've come back to a time before he becomes his true self.

Let's do this.

He lunges at me but I spin wrapping around his back then flipping around through his legs and knocking him to the ground.

Ha, to slow!

I laugh climbing over him and laughing but he flips me pinning me to the ground.

Wrong. Always keep your guard up. You never know when your opponent may be faking.

I laugh and wiggle my legs up wrapping them around him while pushing him but my wings are pressed tight against the mat so I can't use them as leverage. I wonder then how Rosa uses hers for situations like this. Then it hits me that I have to improvise and try to defend myself like a normal vampire without my wings. This excites me. I've wanted to live a normal life and this is the first time I've ever been given the opportunity.

You give up?

Nathen asks but I refuse. This is too fun for me.


I laugh as I push again this time wiggling my hand free and wrappings it around his shoulder pulling him down as I roll us and sit up.

Very nice. You're doing well but you forgot something.

I put my hands down onto his stomach and frown now confused by his words.

And what is that?

The Hidden Secret (Book Four) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora