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I'm so sorry I kept your secretary. She was teaching me how to use my new talent. She's the only other vampire that I've met that has it.

Now don't go making excuses for her. She knows her job and she knows...

Now you wait one minute there doc. If my daughter says she was teaching her then she was teaching her. I was the one who allowed your secretary to take leave. She was caught up at the time and it only took them a few minutes longer than they expected.

Your highness. Did you say daughter?

That's what I said. Why do you think we're here? We came to get a test to prove it to her mother.

The doctor looks at us then grins like he wants to say something but keeps it to himself so I listened to his thoughts.

We already tested that Justin and he wasn't his father so why does he keep pursuing this? Tracy would've told him if the child was his.

I look at Destin who's also listening but he just smirks.

Okay so now you know what we're doing here. Can we just get it done?

I say wanting to be done with the entire situation so the doctor sighs.

Blood test are easy for humans but not as easy for us young one.

I huff because I knew there was something they weren't telling me that they need. Then I hear it in the doctors mind. They need more than my blood alright. They need piece of my bone. Destin frowns hearing the thoughts as the kids look at me.

Mom? Are you really going to let them take part of your bone to do the test?

Kevin asks with a mortified look On his face but nobody had mentioned the bone test at that point so we all looked him. Destin, Cary and I all silently tell him the doctor and my father Daniel can't read minds but he just let them know that he can and that he's been listening to everything they've been thinking. So he frowns.

Uh, yes if I must. My mother has some of my bone from when I had you and you sister so if I must to find out then yes.

You see Kevin, when I was telling you about the process I wasn't trying to scare you. I'm sure your mother will be just fine. Her and her... Father, will get this all worked out and I'll heal her bones and his if he needs it. There's no need to worry buddy.

Destin covers Kevin's mistake just before Daniel starts to ask about the reveal of his sudden talent.

Oh, I was about to ask Kevin if he had telepathic abilities. That's been known to happen with some vamps but we don't have any in our family that I know of. I was about to get excited there for a minute.

We all laugh lightly then the doctor takes me back to a room slicing my arm and removing a small sliver of bone, then the nurse quickly heals it before I have the chance to.

So now you have to do Daniel?

Actually no. I already have his DNA on file so all I have to do is compare yours to his. It should only take a day our so. I should have it done by tomorrow.

I smile sufficed by this answer and we walk back out to my family to find Daniel and Destin in a debate about where talents come from.

Really? Of all topics to argue over you choose something nobody has an answer to. You guys are intelligent.

They look at me as the kids laugh but Destin speaks up.

I think she's calling us idiots. Maybe we should bust her ass. I'll hold her if you want to do the honors? After all you have missed out all these years.

Kevin and Cary snicker as Daniel stands up with a smirk in an agreeable tone.

Alright, let's get her.

They lunge but I vanish teleporting behind them watching them grab nothing but air as I laugh with the kids and the secretary.

Cheat! She cheats! Using her talent is a cheat. How'd you ever catch her?

Destin chuckles at Daniels childish outburst.

You can only catch things that want to be caught grandpa.

Kevin speaks up as Cary nods causing me to freeze and look at them. I hadn't thought about it that way. Obviously I wanted to be with Destin or I wouldn't have accepted him so easily. Yes I feel the guilt over Blaze but I love my Destin. Then suddenly I'm startled back into reality when someone grabs me.

I got you know and your daddies gonna bust your little ass.

My fist instinct is to attack but it's Destin's voice so I'm frozen at first then I realize it's still a joke so I laugh and wiggle until I feel a smack them another smack. Daniel was actually busted my ass. While they all laugh. Playfully yes but still I don't like it and Destin now knows it as I heat up.

Okay we're done. Game over.

He quickly stops Daniel but turns me silently telling me he loves me and that it's just a joke to listen to Daniel's mind. I listen to find that he's actually having a good time thinking it's nice to actually connect with us and to be able to have fun without any real conflict. I on the other hand was about to cause conflict.

I don't want him touching me like that. I'm not that comfortable yet.

I inform Destin silently so he hugs me chuckling, letting me know he understands and he won't let it happen again, but he's going to play it off jokingly.

Oh honey, does the princess not like getting her ass busted?

Now Destin, don't go teasing the princess. You may be her prince but she can still withhold stuff from you son. If you get my point?

Destin chuckles at the inside joke but Kevin and Cary both groan.

That's just nasty. Don't joke about things like that. Ugh...

Cary complains as they walk out into the lobby while we all laugh following.

Oh don't go getting all upset now. It was just a joke.

We walk on outside to find dawn starting to break through so Destin frowns.

Looks like it's about time to head to our rooms. Or was there something else we needed to take care of first?

They all look at me and Daniel but I want to go see Justin while Daniel has plans to go be with Candy and his other children.

No I have a few things I must work out with my mate. She's concerned about a few things so I do believe I should go tend to things out with her. Maliki here will show you to your rooms.

That's okay Maliki, we're going to see Justin. Cary and Kevin you can go to your rooms. We'll be back shortly, sleep well.

They hug and kids us then follow Maliki down the long hallway walking out the door while we go see Justin but as we do I transfer my new talent to Destin and watch him shiver.

That never gets old. You know we're going to need new clothes if you keep doing that. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying, we've grown a lot since we've been here.

I know. I think We've already copied everyone's talents so we should be good now.

As I finish my sentence Destin knocks on Justin's door and our conversation ends.

Hey you must be Anita and Destin! Please, please, come in.

Thanks for reading.


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