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"Marnie" I call outside of the bathroom door, no reply, the door is locked. She went in there like 15 minutes ago.

I sit outside the bathroom door "Marnie.......Marnie...nie nie?" Still no answer "Jacob isn't here, I told him to go for a drive to clear his head, Lindsey is with him"

I go into the kitchen draw and grab a screwdriver to open the door, I hope she isn't in the bath or something, I don't wanna invade her privacy.

I undo the lock and open it the slightest bit because the bath is opposite to the door... no one is in the bath I frown and open the door fully.

She's on the floor, her arm lie in a puddle of blood where it looked like she had been self harming.

"Shit" I rush to her and sit beside her, I pull my t shirt off and wrap it around her gashed arm to stop the bleeding

I place my ear on her chest to find her heart beat...nothing

I then place my two fingers on her okay wrist, she still has a pulse.

I pull my phone out my pocket and dial 911.

"911 what's your emergency"

"Uhh...my...my girlfriend has passed out on the floor, I found her in here, she has self harmed and from the look of it...she's had an overdose" I say looking at the nearly empty pot

"Have you checked for a heartbeat sir?"

"Yeah, nothing just a pulse"

"Okay we will have help with you as soon as possible

"Okay please be quick"

"Don't worry sir" he hangs up

I look at her lifeless body "Marnie just hold on a little longer....just a little longer, they're gonna be here soon" I say to her as I push her hair behind her ear

5 minutes later I saw flashing lights outside the window a whole ambulance crew came rushing into the bathroom, about 8 of them.

"Sorry sir, I know she's your girlfriend but your gonna have to wait outside the room" a paramedics says to me and I sigh as my eyes start watering "okay"

They bring her out the bathroom on a stretcher and they rush her to the ambulance. "Do you need a ride to the hospital, a girl paramedic asks me and I nod.

I get into the ambulance with Marnie and I hold her hand the whole way. As soon as we pulled up the heart rate machine started beeping meaning there was no heartbeat again, she was rushed out the ambulance and straight into the operation room.

4: 43am

She's been in there 4 hours, my phone is dead I have no way of contacting Lindsey or Jacob I just pray and twiddle my thumbs as I look around the empty waiting room.

This is the main reason why I love EJ in this story

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