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I wake up with a bad headache, over the past few weeks I've been suffering from bad headaches.

I feel for Jacob but he's not in the bed, I slowly get up and limp to the kitchen.

"Hey baby, why you limping- OHH YEAH"

I laugh, "you dumbass" he walks closer to me and I lay my head on his chest. "What's wrong?" He asks and I wrap my arms around his waist "headache"
"AGAIN?, this is like the 5th time this week" he says wrapping his arms around my head "what do you want for breakfast" he asks

"Nothing, I'm okay thanks" he sighs "you need to eat something, grab something small to eat and drink then go and lay down....I love you" he says, he kisses my forehead and we both pull away from the hug "I love you too"

The door knocks "I'll get it" I say, I open it and Gabbie is there crying hard.

"What's wrong?" I pull her into a hug "mike is in jail, he got arrested last night" shit "JACOOBBB" I shout not making my headache any better, he comes rushing.

"Mike is in jail" I say still holding tight to Gabbie, her tears have soaked through the shoulder of my sweater.


"Last night" she cries

"Call EJ" I say as I take Gabbie to my room


"Hey EJ", I open the door for him
We walk into the kitchen "so mike got arrested?" He asks and I nod he then points to the cctv camera screen we both watch Marnie and Gabbie


"I Know he kidnapped me and whatever but I still love him , and I miss him loads" she cries more

I hug her again , minutes later she pulls away and cups my cheeks in her hands then she kisses me.

I kiss back a little, then I pull away quickly, I slap her hands off my face "don't do that Gab" I kinda yell and she goes red in the face

It lowkey turned me on, but I'm straight ion like girls


This bitch...just kissed...my girlfriend😡😡 and Marnie kissed back


Oohhhh shit, Gabbie is Bi? MARNIE IS BI???

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