•i have something to show u•

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My eyebrows draw together as the pain in the back of my head gets stronger. I open my eyes and look straight over to the door, it's open and there's light coming through so I assume it's the morning, i hardly slept.

I got up and walked to the door, avoiding the glass on the floor, a sharp pain shot through my heel, I silently scream crouching down to tend to my foot. I look at it and pull the glass out, tears run down my face as I draw it out, I stood back up and made my way to the door, slowly I sneak up the stairs leaving bloody  footprints in my track, this house was nice, I walk past the kitchen and I glance at the guy slowly walking backwards so he doesn't hear me "I know your there, no need to hide" he says facing away from me...how the fuck did this nigga know I was there "and you better clean up that trail of blood you have left behind"

I narrow my eyes at him, how the hell he know so much when he hasn't even been near me, I pay attention to what he's looking at, he's looking at a computer screen with different rooms on it, it's cctv for his house, he has cameras in every room "have you got a band aid?" I ask with my shaky voice, he goes into a cupboard and throws me a box full of band aids, sitting on the floor, I find one suitable for the size of my cut and I put it on I look up to see this guy peering over me "and you'd better clean that up too" he says pointing to the bloody footsteps leading to the basement.

Slowly I start getting up, he grabs my hair and forces me up, I shriek and hold onto my head "CLEAN THAT UP NOW" he shouts shoving me back onto the floor, he walks into the kitchen and pushes out a mop and a bucket of water.

I stand up and start cleaning the floor, afterward I bring the mop to the bathroom pouring the dirty water down the toilet and rinsing the bucket out with hot water before I pour bleach back into it....he watches me, everything I do, he watches I walk into the kitchen placing the bucket down in the corner,

"Anything...." I say and he looks at me "what?" He asks "anything....I'll do anything for you to let me go" tears fill my eyes " he walks closer to me slowly and I walk back "have sex with me" he says as he licks his lips "then I'll let you go" he adds.

I softly shake my head and he moves closer to me, he runs his hand down my thigh and he plays with my knotty matted hair, I freeze, every time he touches me I freeze. I grabbed the pan off the stove and hit him around the head with it then I made a run for it, i ran around the house looking for the front door, I turn like 5 corners before I see a door, I grab the handle and-

It's locked, I slowly turn around and Jacob stands there looking at me "GET IN THE FUCKING BASEMENT NOW" he yells pointing in the direction to the basement. I limp fast as I had hurt my heel more by running.

I walk down the stairs into the basement and he locked the door behind me, there's a light switch on the wall, I press it and the basement lights up, there's a black sharpie on the floor I grab it and sit in the rocking chair with my feet up to my chest so the glass doesn't touch my feet.

I draw a peace sign on my hand between my index finger and my thumb.

5 minutes later

My hand is covered in positive pictures and sayings until something in the corner of the room catches my eye ... a broom I avoid the glass and pick up the broom, my eyes examine it first and then I use it to sweep the glass Into an empty corner of the room.

The guy bursts in and he looks at me "I have something to show you"

What do u think he finna show her?

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