Chapter 11

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-Jean's POV-

We fled back to the jet after Emily had kicked us out, it seems we were far too late to save her memories. Hank started to fly the jet away from the lab as we told the professor what had happened.
"Professor, what can we do now?" I asked, "they have already erased everything she once knew, she believes that man holding her prisoner is her father!" He looked to be deep in thought.
"There is not a lot we can do I'm afraid" Ororo, Scott, Kurt and I all exchanged worried glances.
"But there is something we could try" our hopes started to build again.
"Jean, you and I can try to give her back some of her memories, but we need to trap her somehow. She needs to be securely contained to avoid others getting hurt. She is powerful, so containing her will not be easy and someone will more than likely get hurt". It was the only option, we knew it had to be done. "She is coming for us first, I heard her say it as we fled the room" I said.
"Then what we need to do is lure her into the danger room. We can ask Jubilee to use her powers to direct Emily in the right direction. When she is in there, we need to find a way to restrain her. Erik can maybe help us, using the metal in the room he can hold her down. Jean, that is when you and I step in, we need to retrieve as many of her memories as we possibly can, help her remember who she is" the professor strategised.
"Professor, what do we do?" Scott asked, gesturing to Kurt, Ororo and himself.
"Kurt, Scott, I need you to evacuate the students, get them somewhere safe and stay with them, Hank will assist you. Ororo, I need you to do the same as Jubilee, make a route. Get Emily to follow you to the danger room, if it means using your powers on her then do it, don't hold back just because she is our friend." We all nodded, agreeing with what the professor said. The rest of the flight back was quiet, besides Kurt and Scott deciding where to take the other students. We landed back at the mansion about an hour and a half later, quickly getting our plan started. Scott pulled the fire alarm to evacuate the school, telling the students what was happening and why they had to leave right away. The professor asked Jubilee to meet us in his office to explain the plan to him.
"You're not gonna leave me out of this are you?" A familiar voice sounded from the doorway of the office. We all turned.
"Peter!" I exclaimed, running up to him and hugging him.
"You're better already?"
"Well, still in a little bit of pain, but not bad besides that" he chuckled, hugging me back.
"It's good to have you back, Peter" the professor smiled.
"So, what are we doing? I heard that they got Em, and they wiped her memories. She's coming here isn't she?" Peter questioned, a sad look on his face.
"I'm afraid they did, and yes she is coming here to try and kill us. But, we have put together a plan to try and help her remember who she is. You are welcome to help us if you want" the professor answered quickly.
"You can help guide her to the danger room with Ororo and Jubilee. The school has been evacuated so she will have no choice but to follow the only mutants around. Don't be afraid to attack her if you need to" Peter nodded at the professor's words.
"Now quickly, I must get to Cerebro to contact Magneto, we need his help to restrain her." We all left the room and headed downstairs and into Cerebro. The professor placed the helmet on his head and flicked some switches, bringing the machine to life. He found Erik in a matter of seconds, but his face fell when he discovered where he was.
"He's in Poland, he will never make it to us in time I'm afraid. We need to find another solution and fast." We all thought of an alternative as the professor looked up Emily to see where she was.
"She has not yet left the lab, it seems they are planning to drop her off here at night time so we don't suspect it. It was a good idea to evacuate the students!"
"Professor," I piped up
"I can restrain her with my powers! Yes it will mean that you will have to retrieve her memories alone, but we have no other way" he nodded to me.
"Very well, Jean. We have no other options so it will have to do" he said whilst removing the helmet and shutting Cerebro off. We left the room and headed back upstairs.
"You four should all get some sleep, you will need all of your strength for this. Emily has gotten stronger since we last saw her, everyone needs to be alert" we agreed and headed up to our rooms. Peter came over to me before he went into his.
"I know the professor said to attack her if we need to, but I don't know if I will be able to"
"You like her, don't you?" He gave me a small nod, I had guessed anyway from the way he acted around her. I placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Peter, none of us want to hurt her, but it's all for her own good. We need the proper Emily back, so if you like her you will do whatever it takes to bring her back" he looked me in the eyes and smiled before hugging me, saying goodbye and heading to his room. I plodded into my room and flopped onto my bed, drifting quickly to sleep.

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