Chapter 26

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"What are we going to do, Professor?" I cried, sobbing into my hands. We had explained the entire situation to him and no one had a clue as to where to go from here. I was so worried about Peter and his sisters, who knew what that monster Michelle was doing to them or making them do right now. Everyone had been called into the professor's office and everyone was visibly distressed at what had happened, they all wished Peter and his sisters to be safe.
The professor leaned forward onto his desk, deep in thought.
"I'm afraid there is not much we can do at the moment. With Peter, Wanda and Lorna all being Erik's children, they are all very strong. It's not as if we can charging at them, we would be wiped out in an instant." The professor sighed, earning worried glances from everyone in the room.
"We would need to train all of you thoroughly and in specific ways if you were to take them on. No metal whatsoever. Ways to quicken your reflexes. I doubt any of you wouldn't be able to resist Wanda's powers though, she could easily weaken your powers or stop you using them completely." He continued. Everyone listened to the professor intently, taking in everything he was saying. Magda was crying in the corner of the room, comforted by Jean. She became very upset after hearing what had happened to her children. Everyone looked at each other as they thought of a way to go about the situation. The professor thought for a minute.
"I guess all we can do at the moment is go ahead and train you all for battle. However, I will be contacting Erik and Raven for help, we will need everyone we can think of to fight this battle." The professor stated, grazing his eyes across everyone in the room. Everyone nodded slowly in agreement. I took a deep breathe and stood up.
"Whatever it takes, professor. I just want them back to normal before they do any serious damage." I announced. The professor nodded to me and told us all to meet in the danger room in 2 hours whilst he and Hank went down to Cerebro to locate Magneto and Mystique. I headed up to my room to get some rest before the session. It was hard to get to sleep because I was so worried, but I eventually drifted off.

I searched around the building. I was back once again. But I was alone.
"Peter?" I whispered into the gloom of the halls. A door to my left opened with a long creak and I found myself drawn to enter. The room was dark but I could just make out three figures with their backs to me. The door slammed shut behind me, I faced it and pushed it with my hand, but it wouldn't budge. I turned back to the figures who were now facing me, the lights flicked on. Now I could make out the figures: Wanda, Lorna, and Peter. Their eyes were glowing a deep red and their faces showed no emotion. My body began to shake, fear flooded into my soul. The three of them slowly began to move towards me. I backed up, but found myself against the wall with nowhere to turn. Lorna's hand raised and metal from the wall started to bend around my body, I struggled, but I was trapped. Wanda raised her hand and I felt her powers prevent me from struggling any further. Peter quickly ran over to me, positioning his body in front of my trapped one.
"Peter? Please! This isn't you! Fight this!" I pleaded, but no words seemed to get through to him. His arm raised and his fist drew back.
"Peter?! No!" I screamed. But it was worthless, his fist sped towards my face...

I sat bolt upright within a second. My heart was pounding, I always seem to have nightmares when something bad happens. Peter... Even with him being so far away in body and mind, I'm sure I can feel his pain. That bitch better not be hurting him, she won't be walking away from this one.
I sat on my bed for a while before glancing at the clock I had on my desk, 3:37pm, our training session is at 4. I decided to get up and prepare myself, sleeping in my uniform from earlier meant I could skip that part of my preparations. I gave my hair a quick brush through before I headed downstairs and into the kitchen, grabbing a quick snack before the session. I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowel on the side and made my way to the danger room, loitering outside whilst I ate and waited for everyone. Soon enough, the professor came out of the nearby elevator with Erik, Magneto, and Raven, mystique, in tow. The professor saw me and smiled.
"Ready to go, Emily?" He questioned. I simply nodded in reply before speaking up.
"What's this session going to involve?" I asked, finishing my apple and crossing my arms over my chest.
"Simulations." He stated.
"Simulations of Peter, Wanda, and Lorna." He continued.
I took a deep breathe, a little nervous knowing what the three of them could do. Charles noticed this panic and placed a hand over mine.
"Emily, it's going to be fine. If something happens or if you don't want to continue, then I will switch the simulation off." He assured. I swallowed and nodded. We walked into the room to wait for the others.
It took about 5 minutes for the others to stroll in; Jean, Scott, Kurt, Ororo, Jubilee, Hank, even Logan appeared. Everyone stood around Charles as he began to speak.
"Ok, everyone listen up. This session will involve simulations of Peter and his sisters. Remember that they are powerful and dangerous, if anyone needs me to stop the simulation at any time then just call, I will be keeping watch at all times from the box." He announced. Everyone nodded quietly before he wheeled out of the room and the doors shut behind him. We all waited until we could see the professor in the box, Magda was with him which earned a quick gasp from Erik.
"M-Magda?!" He called.
"Hello, my love." She replied.
I walked over to Erik and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"We need to talk after this session, there's something Peter wanted to tell you a long time ago..."

Eyyy finally got another chapter done, had time to today seeing as I didn't go into college, been quite sick today! Ah but anyways, how have you all been doing? Hope you're still enjoying this story, I am really trying with it. Oh and guess who turned 18 recently? 😊😳 kinda scary to think I am legally an adult now, ugh responsibilities. Anyway, hope you are liking my recent chapters, been a bit slow for ideas recently but I'm getting there.
Thank you for reading 😊 xxx

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