Chapter 35

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It has now been a week since James had come to the mansion and he had trouble settling in at first, six years mostly alone made him quite shy, but he soon developed some friendships with people in his classes. He had a lot of catching up to do since he hasn't been schooled in 6 years! Anyway, i was heading to my next class, maths, when I heard a familiar 'bamf' noise behind me. I twirled around to see Kurt rushing up behind me.
"Hey Kurt!" I called out.
"Hello Emily!" He smiled back, grinning. We began to walk down the corridor together as he continued to speak, slightly nervously.
"Emily? Can I ask you something?" I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Yeah?" He took a deep breathe before speaking again.
"Do you think I should ask out Shannon? I really like her but I am scared that she will reject me." He spoke, looking sadly to the floor. I looked at him and smiled. I was hoping that Kurt would develop feelings for Shannon, the two of them were always spending time together with Hope and shooting loving glances when the other wasn't looking.
"Go for it!" I exclaimed, a bit louder than expected.
"But what if my looks put her off? I mean, I'm not exactly the most attractive person to look at."
"Don't ever say that about yourself! Who cares if you are blue all over with fangs and a tail? You are one of the sweetest people I have ever known and anyone would be lucky to have you. How you look just adds to your charm. And let's face it, that tail is just adorable to watch, have you realised that it wags slightly when you get happy or excited?" He became shy when I told him.
"I-I didn't think anyone had noticed that." I giggled.
"I think everyone has noticed, it's one of those things about you that makes you unique." I replied, ruffling his hair. He didn't realise just how adorable he was, he was like a puppy. We arrived at maths and took our regular seats. Class dragged on for what felt like forever, it didn't help that Peter wasn't in there today to make it better, he had a different class now. After class had finished, Kurt and I walked out if the room together. We spotted Shannon in the corridor and I noticed Kurt beginning to fidget.
"Go talk to her." I suggested.
"Tell her how you feel."
"But I'm scared." He whispered back, his eyes fixed upon her. She turned and saw us, smiling as she began to approach.
"I'll give you some space. Just be you!" I whispered, squeezing his arm gently to try and calm him down. I walked away and let the two of them be, jeez I hope he does it. Those two had been so obvious with their feelings to everyone but each other, it was about time they both let it out.
I headed over to my next class, only to be contacted telepathically by the professor.
"All students please gather in the cafeteria immediately, I have an important announcement to make!" His voice spoke out. I was confused, but I made my way to the cafeteria as instructed, taking a seat at the table next to the window. The room soon started to fill up with students, all sitting or standing wherever there was space. It wasn't long before Peter rushed in, quickly spotting me and taking a seat next to me.
"Any idea what this is about?" I asked, turning to him. He shrugged his shoulders.
"Not a clue, but the professor looks pretty excited for it." He announced, pointing to the professor as he rolled into the room, a smile prominent on his face. Hank, Logan, Raven, and Erik all stood behind him, along with some of the other teachers here.
"Good morning everyone!" I heard Charles call out.
"You are probably wondering why I have called you all in here. Well, that is because I have an exciting announcement. You are going to be split into two groups and for the next two weeks those groups will take it in turns to go on a camping trip!"
My face lit up when he said that. Camping has been an activity that I had always wanted to try! I looked to Peter, whose eyes had also lit up with excitement, before turning my attention back to Charles.
"We will not force you to go if you do not wish to, but see it as a little field trip to get you all outdoors and learning some new skills."
Almost everyone in the room seemed to start buzzing with excitement, only a select few did not seem keen.
"The first group will be heading to the camp this Saturday at 10am, so that will give you all time to gather anything you need. Sleeping bags and tents will be provided for all those choosing to come, but if you wish to bring your own sleeping bag then you may. The groups are as follows."
He began to read out two lists that he had for the groups. Peter, Shannon, Kurt, James, Ororo and I were all in group two, so we would be heading out next Saturday. Jean, Scott, Wanda, Lorna and Thomas were all in group 1. He also read out the teachers that would be going with the groups. The camp would last from Saturday to Friday, to allow those coming back to see friends who will be going the next day.
"Sounds like it's gonna be a good week!" Peter declared, smiling at me.
"I know! I can't wait!" I squealed, already mentally deciding on what I would need to take.
"Lessons will continue as normal during those weeks. Lessons where you have a teacher at camp will be cancelled." Charles informed, earning a small cheer from the crowd of students.
"That is all. Lessons are finished for the day so those leaving this Saturday can start to prepare, go shopping if need be. You are all excused, have a nice day." He declared, beaming at the crowd. Students immediately started to file out, murmurs of joy spreading throughout the crowd.
"Looking forward to it?" I heard Peter ask from beside me. I turned and nodded my head quickly, causing him to chuckle.
"Heck yeah I am! This is something I've wanted to do since I was a kid! It's a dream come true!" I almost scream out.
"You're so cute when you're excited." Peter whispers before placing a kiss to my temple and standing up, holding out a hand for me to take. I grab his hand and he hoists me up, interlocking our fingers as we exited the room.
"So, rest of the day off, whatcha wanna do?" Peter asked as we trailed along the corridor. I racked my brain for a moment, thinking if there was anything I needed to get specifically for the camp.
"Shopping? I think I should probably get some cheap clothes that I can get messy whilst away." I suggested. Peter rolled his eyes and sighed, I know he hates shopping, but it's the only suggestion I have right now! I made my way up to my room to grab my purse as he went to his to grab his wallet. I grabbed a handbag and shoved my purse into it before slinging the bag over my shoulder and stepping out into the corridor where Peter was waiting.
"Race you to the mall?" He grinned.
"You're on, Quicksilver."

I am so sorry that this chapter took so long to post, just hadn't really gotten around to writing it until recently! I am trying to post updates regularly but been job hunting recently and haven't really had time to write much.
So I have no idea when the next chapter will be posted...
Buuuut there may be some smut coming up very soon! Stay tuned, and thank you for reading 😊

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