Chapter 9

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I was sat in the corner of my cell once again. A day had passed since I was brought back here and the men hadn't yet done anything to me, only fed me minimal scraps of food that looked as unappetising as a pile of cow shit. I was picking at my latest meal, uncooked potato peels and boiled cabbage. I still couldn't stop thinking about my friends, Jean, Kurt, everyone that cared for me in the mansion. Were they looking for me? Did they care about me enough to look? I hope so. Please can they find me in time, I couldn't stand becoming a weapon to harm them, fellow mutants. I wonder if Steven had yet found a way to turn me into this weapon he wanted to create. My thoughts were soon confirmed by a woman opening my cell and dragging me out.
"It's time" she growled as she held a firm grip on my arm. I tried to resist her, I fought to get away, but my stomach was soon greeted by a swift punch from her fist. She placed a strong pair of handcuffs over my wrists before yanking me along the corridor and down a flight of stairs. Two men were guarding a large double door, she flashed her ID and the men opened the doors for us. Inside the room was a bed with 4 leather straps, showing where someone's hands and feet should go. The top of the table had a machine above it, some sort of helmet, attached to an electrical box the wall. Steven was leaning on the bed, waiting for me.
"Emily! Fancy seeing you here" he smirked, I kept my head down, tears were starting to form in my eyes.
"She's in a feisty mood today, tried to run when I got here out" the woman told him, shoving me towards the bed.
"Huh, I bet she won't be so feisty when her brain is being electrocuted" he chuckled. He yanked me over to him and tilted my head up to look at him, the tears starting to fall. He smirked and shoved me down on the bed, quickly tying my feet up with the leather straps before removing my handcuffs and doing the same with my wrists.
"Now, here's how it is going to work. This device," he pointed at the helmet, "is going to go on your head and that lever over on that box on the wall will be pulled, sending current after current through your head. The process, of course, will be painful, but just think that afterwards you won't remember any of those pathetic mutant friends of yours. You will never recognise them as you tear them apart with your powers, listening to them scream." I let out a small whimper as I started to cry more.
"Awh come on now sweetie, they are worthless, you will die afterwards anyway so you will feel no guilt. See? I can tell you that because you won't remember it in a few moments!" He grinned at me and I spat at him, anger taking over my face. He gripped my throat in response.
"If we didn't need you I would kill you right here and now" he spat. He let me go and I coughed, trying to get some oxygen back into my lungs. The woman walked over and pulled the helmet over my head, adjusting it to fit securely before stepping back to retrieve some rubber gloves from a cabinet to the left of the room, a pair for Steven and herself, she quickly handed over Steven's pair before making her way over to the lever. I kept thinking of the others through all of this, I don't want to forget them, I couldn't forget them! They were like a family I never had! And Peter, I could feel my heart flutter whenever he touched me, whenever he was near, whenever I thought of him. I don't want to forget what it is like to have that feeling, it has never happened to me before.
"And we will go in 10, 9" Steven counted. I don't want to forget.
"8, 7" Don't make me forget.
"6, 5" They made me feel loved.
"4, 3" Don't make me destroy them.
"2, 1" Please save me, God.
"0" Goodbye. I screamed in pain as the electricity coursed through me, I could feel my memories fading, everything I ever cared about. It was over, I will be a slave for as long as I live. I will hurt those like me and anyone who gets in the way, that was not a life I wanted to live, but now I had no choice.

A short chapter, I know, but this one is just basically a filler chapter because I didn't really have any ideas on what to write. Are you guys enjoying it anyway? My first story, it's not going as great as I hoped but I am trying my best.

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