Chapter 16

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-Peter's POV-

"Professor!" I yelled, running up to him.
"There's no sign of her anywhere in the mansion, she must have left whilst we were all sleeping!" I was frantic, Emily had disappeared during the night. Was she taken? Did she choose to leave? No one was sure of anything, she seemed so convinced to stay.
"Peter!" Ororo called from down the corridor, running up to me.
"She left this for you on her pillow" she handed me a sealed envelope with my name on it, written in curly writing. I stared at it for a moment before tearing it open from the seam, pulling the letter out and unfolding it before reading the passage aloud.
'Dear Peter,
I know you must be so upset with me for leaving, I'm sorry I broke my promise to you, but this has to be done. I'm leaving and heading back home to England, I can't be around the mansion for any longer as it is too dangerous for you all. I'm hoping that I can go home and find my family, wether they will accept me or not has gone through my mind but I am willing to take the risk as long as it means everyone in the mansion can stay safe. I will visit one day, but please don't come after me, I am dangerous and I don't want to hurt anyone again. I want you to know that I love you and everyone who has been apart of my life at the mansion, writing this brought me to tears, but I can't go back now. By the time you read this, I will more than likely be on a plane home. Goodbye for now, but not forever.
I love you so much.
Emily x'
I couldn't help but cry. She didn't have to go, we can all protect each other, no matter what happens. I was worried about her, finding her family. What if they don't want her or don't even recognise her? What would happen? I was wondering if she was even safe now, so I asked the professor to check on her with Cerebro. He took some convincing, but obliged after a while. Both he and myself trundled into Cerebro and he quickly hooked himself up, making the machine burst to life. I felt nervous, as if something had already happened to her. We scanned the bodies flicking through the red light, trying to find her, we eventually did.
"She's fine Peter, she is nearly at the airport" the professor stated, letting a huge weight rise from my shoulders. But then his mood changed. I watched as the figures on the screen became white and showed the people in the area around her, I recognised 2 of them.
"Aren't those two of the men who broke into the mansion with her?" I asked, panicking.
"I'm afraid so, they know she is there and they are after her again" he confirmed, worry evident in his voice. My breathing quickened, she was in trouble, I can't let her be taken again. The figures turned red again and he found her quickly, getting in her head to speak to her.
"Emily, you need to hide. Some of the men that broke into the mansion with you are nearby and they are gaining on you, there may be others around as well" i gripped the back of his chair, if they got her again I would never forgive myself, I promised to keep her safe. I watched as she frantically searched around for somewhere to hide, eventually finding some toilets inside the airport. She stepped into an empty cubicle and locked herself in.
"Yes, okay, stay there. We are coming to help you. Stay quiet and stay low" the professor demanded, switching his view to Hank. "Hank, get the jet ready, we are heading to the airport now!" He instructed, removing the helmet and shutting off Cerebro.
"We haven't much time, we need to move now!" He ordered, wheeling out of the room, I followed closely behind him. I was fretting so much, I couldn't let her be taken away again. We headed over to the hangar where Hank was waiting for us, he had brought Kurt, Ororo, Scott and Jean with him, turns out they wanted to help in any way possible. We all scrambled into the jet and strapped ourselves in, preparing for the short flight ahead of us. The flight was mostly just the others trying to calm me down and assure me that Em was gonna be alright, the rest was the professor explaining the situation to the others. As we approached the airport, I glanced out of the jet window. I spotted a helicopter, similar to the one that Emily came to the mansion in when she attacked us, and it was flying away. This couldn't be good. I leapt out of my seat and dashed over to Hank and the professor.
"That helicopter, it's similar to the one that brought her to us, could they have gotten to her already?" I queried them both. The professor held held two fingers to his right temple, concentrating hard on the helicopter. He nodded his head.
"She's in there, I can reach her from here" he confirmed concentrating harder and focusing in on her.
"Emily, we can see the helicopter, we are coming to get you so just hold tight" he assured her. Hank sped the jet up and headed straight for the helicopter, but quickly slowed down again when a large airship appeared in front if us, turning their reflective panels around to reveal the huge base in the sky. The helicopter flew into an opening in the side of the ship, but we were too slow to follow. We flew up to the top of the base and circled it, taking in just how vast it was. 'BEEP BEEP BEEP' an alarm sounded suddenly.
"What's going on?" Scott panicked.
"We're being targeted, everyone strap in and hang on!" Hank ordered, twisting the jet around. I scurried back to my seat and locked myself in, gripping onto the belt. A bright ball of energy shot out of a canon on the top of the base and hurtled straight towards us. Hank waited for the optimal moment before performing a barrel roll around the blast, evading it with ease.
"I'll take out the canons" Ororo called out.
"No!" The professor yelled back.
"If we do that it will alert more people on the base that we are here. Kurt, get Scott and yourself down there and disable those canons, then we will find a safe place to drop off the others". Kurt nodded and waited for the plane to steady before leaping over to Scott and teleporting the both of them down. We dodged another 2 blasts before the professor gave word that all canons had been disabled. Hank guided the jet down to the edge of the base, the professor froze the workers that were heading for us.
"All of you be careful. Jean, contact me when you are all ready for pick up, we will be circling nearby" the professor stated before Jean, Ororo and myself all jumped out. We all headed straight inside, Jean telling Kurt where we were. Kurt and Scott appeared with a quick BAMF and we all headed into the base together. We're coming for you Emily.

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