Chapter 29

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After a long and almost entirely silent flight, we finally saw the lab in the distance.
"Professor?" Jean said.
"This is the place, but I can't sense anyone inside." She continued. I gave her a confused look as the professor placed two fingers upon his left temple.
"You're right Jean! Where could they have gone?" He confirmed. Everyone looked around at each other, unsure of what to do now.
"Should we go in and investigate?" Kurt suggested.
"That might be a good idea" the professor said.
"Emily, Jean, Scott, Kurt and Ororo, could you all go in and see if you can figure anything out, please?"
The 5 of us nodded and waited for the jet to land before unbuckling our belts and stepping out of the jet. We trundled into the building, cautiously, just because there was no-one there doesn't mean it wasn't booby-trapped. We headed up to the room that Peter, Wanda and Lorna were being held in before, and it was true, it was empty. We all searched around for any clue as to where they could have gone, but found nothing. Just as we were about to leave, the screen on the computer flicked to life and an image appeared, it was Michelle.
"Ah, I see you made it to the lab. Well, sorry to say that we moved." She spoke. We all gathered around the computer, watching it intently.
"We knew you were coming, I sent Peter to the mansion to tag your uniform with a microphone, Emily." I gasped and frantically checked my uniform, sure enough I found a small black box tagged to my shoulder, how did I not notice that earlier?
"Bitch" I growled.
"Now, now, should you be using that kind of language, Missy?" She said, grinning. Everyone stepped back slightly in surprise, none of us had realised that this was live.
"That's right, I can hear and see you right now. There's a camera in the corner of the room, I can see everything you are doing right now. So listen close. If you are looking for a fight, come and find us, it should be a pretty memorable destination for you, Emily." The camera moved away from her face and pointed out over a clifftop, there was a small hut atop the cliff.
"You cannot be serious!" I exclaimed. That was definitely the cliff I was thinking of. The camera panned back to Michelle.
"Oh I'm deadly serious. Come and find us, we'll be waiting." She finished and the camera shut off. I stood still for a moment and the others all turned to me.
"You know that place?" Scott asked. I swallowed hard before speaking.
"Y-yeah. That's the same cliff that me and Peter ran to the night the mansion was attacked. That's were they found us and almost killed Peter before kidnapping me and taking me back to the lab." I announced, shaking slightly. Jean looked from me, to the computer, and then back to me.
"Are you up for going back there?" She asked, noticing my shakiness. I took a deep breathe and stood up straight before answering.
"Yeah. I'll, I'll be fine." I replied.
"Let's get back yo the jet." I decided, grabbing onto Jean and Ororo. Kurt grabbed hold of Scott and we all teleported back onto the jet, partially startling everyone on board.
"I know where they are." I declared.
"That cliff that Peter took me to when the mansion was attacked. They're waiting for us."
The professor looked at me.
"Do you know where that is?"
I thought for a moment, trying to remember which direction Peter had run when we left.
"Somewhere East, I believe."
Thomas spoke up.
"We can direct you." He declared, gesturing to Shannon and himself.
"Yeah." Shannon chimed in.
"The two of us lived around that area for many years, the cliff with the hut where we found you, yes?" I nodded and sat down. Hank started up the jet and followed Shannon and Thomas' directions. It took another hour or so, but we made it to the cliff and landed the jet 10m or so from the edge, a little further down from the hut. Everyone got up from their seats and everyone besides Thomas, Shannon, Erik and Magda left the jet.
"Don't worry, my dear, we will have them back to normal soon." Erik told Magda before gently kissing her hand and following the rest of us.
"Be careful." She said to us all before we all headed in the direction of the hut.
"Wanda, Lorna and Michelle are in the hut. But, where's Peter?" The professor said, confused. Everyone looked around trying to figure out where he could be. But then I heard the sound of approaching footsteps, they were definitely Peter's. I managed to pinpoint them.
"Ororo look out!" I yelled, diving at her and pushing her out of the way. A cloud of dust kicked up in the area she was standing and headed to the edge of the cliff. Everyone looked up to see Peter standing at the edge of the cliff, glaring at us with his deep red eyes. They were like how they were in my nightmare. In an instant, the hut was destroyed and Michelle stepped out of the rubble, closely followed by a floating Wanda and Lorna. Peter was with them in a second. We all stared at each other for what felt like hours before Michelle turned and walked away, causing Peter, Wanda and Lorna to begin to advance upon us.
"No turning back now." I remind everyone as all of us, minus Charles, began to advance. The fight is on.

I have some ideas on where to go in the next chapter, but I am not 100% sure on how to go about it so the next chapter may take a while to be uploaded, sorry guys x
By the way, thank you for 2K total reads 😁 feeling better and better about this story as it goes along, hope you are all enjoying it! Xxx

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