Chapter 10

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-Steven's POV-

The machine was switched off and she lay there on the bed. Not moving. Did we kill her? Was it too much? I crept towards her, wondering what had happened. Her eyes suddenly flickered open and she stared up at the ceiling, unblinking. It was as though she was a zombie, so unresponsive to her surroundings. Her gaze flicked towards me, she kept staring, did she remember anything? I came even closer to her.
"Who are you?" She asked, her eyes still glazed and mysterious.
"My name is Steven, do you know who you are?" She was quite for a moment, thinking intensely about her answer. The machine must have worked.
"No, I don't. Who am I? Why am I here?"
"Your name is Tessa Young. You are my daughter" I lied, hoping she would buy it. Everything I do now is to keep her from knowing the truth.
"D-daughter?" She stuttered. Oh no, maybe she hadn't forgotten!
"Dad, why am I restrained?" Phew.
"You had nightmare, sweetie, you were thrashing around a fair bit. Here, let me help you" I started to undo the straps and helped her sit up, her eyes scanned the room as if it were the first time she had seen it.
"You were dreaming about these horrible mutants that were attacking you, they were trying to kill you" Michelle (my assistant) added. I gave her a quick smile before turning back to Emily.
"Mutants? What are mutants?" She questioned, slightly scared.
"Mutants are horrible people that are trying to kill the regular people in the world so that they may rule it. They attacked you, and that's why you had that nightmare" i answered, grinning when she couldn't see.
"Am I a mutant?"
"Yes, but the others saw you as a threat to them because you have a very strong mutation, you can transform into any living creature you like"
"My own kind thought I was a threat? How could someone turn on someone else just like them?" Her anger for mutants was starting to show, perfect.
"I know, Tessa. Mutants are evil, crooked people and they must be destroyed before they kill us all"
"Father, how can we stop them?" I chuckled to myself, she was on our side now.
"We must destroy them, all of them. Do you think you could help me with that?"
"I can try my best!" She announced, jumping off of the bed. I smirked again, as did Michelle. We all walked down the corridor outside of the room, following it down to a large empty room.
"Tessa, if you want to help me then you need to know how to fight. What I want you to do is to focus yourself on a deadly animal" she gave me a bewildered look.
"What's an 'animal'?" I had a feeling this may happen, so I requested for Michelle to fetch the book I had prepared beforehand. She came back with it a few minutes later and handed it to me. I opened up to a page with a lion.
"Animals are creatures that we share the world with, they come in many different shapes, sizes and colours" i educated her, flicking slowly through the pages as she watched on in amazement.
"Many are dangerous, many are not. If you are to fight then I would recommend you learn the dangerous from the not. Learn which are best for sneaking, climbing, flying, killing" i continued, handing her the book.
"Pick one, any one. Focus on it"
She flicked trough the pages before stopping on page with a jaguar on it. She stared at it, long and hard, before she quickly turned herself into one. I gave her a quick applause.
"Great work! Now, I am going to send some dummies in here and I want you to attack them. We need to know your strength." Michelle whistled and some men brought in a few mannequins, setting them in front of Emily. She trained for the next 3 hours, mastering a few attacks and skills for different animals. When we had finished in the training room, I took her to a bedroom, her own room, so she would keep on buying the act that I was her father. A cell would have created suspicion. I allowed her to rest as I went down to the cafeteria to prepare her some food, as I said, she needs to keep on believing I am her father. As i was walking back to her room, an almighty explosion shook through the building. I collapsed to the floor and was forced to cover my ears due to the sound, it was deafening. When the building had returned to normal, I scrambled to my feet and raced to Emily's room, fearing that the mutants she was with had returned to take her away. My fears were correct, but Emily was standing up to them, refusing to leave.
"Get out! Leave me alone!" She yelled at a red haired girl, around 20.
"Emily, what are you saying? You need to come with us, you don't belong here! You belong back in the mansion with us!" The girl replied, trying to grab Emily's arm.
"My name is Tessa, and I don't know you people! I belong here with my father!" Her anger was clear to see.
"I said leave!!" She turned herself into a lion and started to advance on the red head, a boy with a red visor stepped in front of her.
"Emily, you need to remember us! We are your friends!!" He screamed , retreating as Emily advanced.
"Don't believe them, Tessa!" I called out, "they are the mutants that tried to kill you!" She launched herself at them but was blown into the wall by a powerful gust of wind, a girl with white hair stepped into the room. Emily quickly got off and shook off the attack, and then she did something no one expected, she let out a roar and created other lions around her, an ability we never knew she had but I know will come in handy. Perhaps her anger had unlocked it. The three mutants looked at her, fear evident in their eyes.
"Retreat!" The boy yelled out, the other two did as ordered and fled the room, just before the lions could pounce on them. Emily turned back into a human and the other lions quickly vanished, she looked at me and hugged me.
"Dad, I think I have found my first targets".

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