Chapter 7

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I saw a figure, someone I knew all too well.
"Peter?" I mumbled, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. He walked towards me, saying nothing. His arms wrapped around me and held me tight, I wrapped my arms around his body and hugged him, never wanting to let go. Tears flowed from my eyes, never seeming to end. How could he be here? He placed his soft lips on my forehead and planted a small kiss before pulling away. I desperately lunged at him to bring him back to me, but my feet were frozen to the floor. No matter how many times I tried I couldn't move. I watched in dismay as he turned and walked away, still silent.
"Peter! Please don't leave me!" My voice echoed in the empty space.
"Peter?! PETEEEER!!!"

I awoke on the cold floor of a small cell, three of the four walls were made of concrete whilst the other was made from metal bars, there were now windows. Groggily, I sat up, gazing around me. This was a cell I knew far too well. I stood up but nearly fell over, the anaesthetic hadn't yet worn off fully. The wall acted as my balance as I worked my way over to the right hand wall. My hand grazed over the many scratch marks that I had left over the years, a single tear traced down my left cheek. My body collapsed onto the floor as more tears spilled out, It was impossible to stop them. The place that I thought I was free from, why must I be back here? My chin rested on my knees as I continued to cry. A guard walked to my cell and opened it before gripping my arm and dragging me out, I didn't bother to resist. He took me through the twisting corridors of the building to the room where their boss was. The guard dropped me on a chair in front of a desk and tied my arms to it before leaving the room. His boss had his back to me and was staring out of a small window at the back of the room.
"Hello, Emily" the man spoke, I kept silent. He turned to face me. He was a man in his late 30s, with short brown hair and some stubble growing on his chin. He was around 5ft10 in height and had a muscular build to him, his name was Steven. He smirked at me.
"Nice to see you again"
I still said nothing, an icy glare was the only response he got.
"Why did you ever leave us, sweet one? We were only trying to take your powers for the greater good"
I scoffed.
"Greater good? Giving my powers to you is all for 'the greater good'?" I growled, leaning forwards.
"You just want to tear apart your enemies"
"That's true, I could turn into a tiny mosquito and bite anything that I wanted, or I could turn into a tiger and rip people to shreds. And yes, I do have enemies, many in fact. All those people who bullied me when I was a young boy, don't you think they deserve to feel as much pain and suffering as I did? And then there's also all of you pathetic mutants. Your kind attacked me one day. Using their powers to inflict all kinds of damage; bites, burns; bruises. What did I do to provoke them? Absolutely nothing!" He yelled, slamming his fist on the desk, making me flinch ever so slightly.
"Your kind scares people, it would be easier for everyone if you just didn't exist, and you can help me with that. With your powers I can become anything, lets say a tiny virus. I could become a virus that affects only mutants, killing them within mere days of infection, wiping them from the face of the earth." He turned his back to me.
"But, after you ran away, we realised that we don't need to harness your powers, we just need you to become our weapon. All we need to do is wipe your memory of who you are and who you know, every part of you will be desperate for a purpose" he smirked at me and I spoke up.
"And how do you plan on erasing my memory? Hm?"
"That we haven't quite yet figured out. But until we do, you are going to be kept under 24/7 guard so don't even think about escaping again. Your powers are being suppressed by a special tag that you wear around your ankle so there's no point in even trying to use them" he chuckled before walking to the door behind me and bringing in the guard from before. The guard untied me from the chair and forcefully pulled me up, dragging my weak body away and back to my cell. I staggered over to the scratched up wall and added another mark before slumping down in the corner of the cell. I crossed my arms over my knees and buried my head into them as I cried, my mind couldn't stop thinking about the others. And Peter, oh Peter. It was all my fault. I should have never gone to the school, everyone was put in danger because of me. I don't care what happens to me anymore, I wish I was never born, everyone I care about is put at risk when I am around. I wish I could disappear and never return...

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