Chapter 33

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The next week was filled with more lessons, training sessions, and Peter, Wanda and Lorna getting to know Erik more. They were thrilled that he stayed at the mansion and they were happy to hear all about things he had done and eager to tell him what he has missed in their young years. Erik told them about the daughter and wife he had in Poland, he teared up slightly however when he told them that they were accidentally killed by officers that came to arrest him.
I stayed away from them most of the time as they bonded, they needed that much deserved father-children time. Peter showed them all the box that he had found in Magda's wardrobe and gave the selected clothes to Wanda and Lorna, making them both tear up a little as they remembered their mother. Thomas was receiving special tutoring from the professor to aid him in developing his healing abilities, he wanted to be able to help more people with whatever problem they may have. He felt so low after he couldn't save Magda, he wanted to make sure that situation never happened again. Shannon, on the other hand, had found a stray puppy while out for a walk and managed to use her powers to lure it to the mansion. It took a lot of persuasion to convince the professor to let her keep it, he was worried about allergies. But, after everyone in the mansion confirming they had no allergies to dogs, the professor let her keep it as a per for everyone. A quick examination of the pup from a vet told us it was a girl, a golden labrador, around 5 months old. The vet gave her some necessary jabs and told us the dietary and exercise requirements for her. The children were all thrilled to have a pet around the mansion, everyone that could contributed to buying food, toys and anything else required. Shannon decided to call her Hope. Kurt took an instant liking to Hope, and it seems Hope felt the same way about him. The two are almost inseparable, Kurt spent most of his free time with Hope. Shannon often sat with the two of them and play with Hope whilst talking to Kurt, the two of them also seemed to be getting on very well. I was stood watching them from the doorway of the social room, Kirt was teleporting around and letting Hope chase him, nibbling his tail if she caught him. I caught Shannon looking at him, almost dreamily, smiling slightly. I was so lost watching them that I didn't hear Peter sneaking up behind me. He grabbed my waist and hoisted me up, spinning me around at the same time, making me squeal.
"Peter! Put me down!" I giggled. He did as asked and immediately pulled me in for a deep kiss.
"What was that for?" I asked giggling.
"What? Am I not allowed to just kiss my girl when I want to?" Peter joked, pouting.
"You know you can!" I affirmed, pulling him in for another kiss. He looked over to where Shannon and Kurt were.
"Those two are getting close. Reckon they're gonna get together?" He questioned, resting his chin on my shoulder.
"Maybe, Shannon is showing a bit of interest at least." I whispered back.
"How're things going with your dad?"
"Pretty good, we are gonna have some father-son time at some point so we can talk about things that the girls aren't particularly interested in and maybe play some soccer or something." He was beaming down at me, he had formed a close bond with Erik over the past 2 weeks or so.
"Good to hear." I announced, kissing his cheek before strolling away towards the kitchen, he quickly stepped in front of me.
"Where do you think you're going, huh?" I raised an eyebrow at him.
"To get some lunch?" I answered, curious as to what he had planned. He chuckled and shook his head.
"Nope, we are going for a picnic!" He declared, grinning cheekily at me. This was something I loved about Peter, he was very spontaneous. I smiled and rolled my eyes at him.
"Go and get changed," he continued.
"It's very warm outside!"
I nodded and gave him a quick kiss before wandering off to my room. I flicked through my clothes in my wardrobe, picking out a floral sundress and some silver sandals to wear. I brushed my hair through before heading back down to Peter, who was waiting by the front door of the mansion with the picnic basket. His eyes widened slightly when he saw me and his mouth opened ever so slightly as his eyes grazed over my body. He smiled and took my hand as I walked over to him.
"How do you manage to look so gorgeous all the time?" He stated, earning a small blush from me. He kissed my hand before opening the door and leading me outside, closing the door behind us. He handed me the basket before picking me up.
"Let's get going then, shall we?" He said before whizzing off, I had no idea where he was taking us, but it only took a few seconds for me to find out. We were in the park that we went to before to play frisbee, but now we were at the top of a small hill that was shaded by an oak tree. Peter set me down and took the basket from me, pulling out a blanket and setting it on the ground for us to sit on. He began to pull out a variety of foods: sandwiches, fruits, cold chicken, some crisps.
"Drink, m'lady?" He asked, pulling out a large bottle of lemonade and some glasses. I giggled and nodded before he passed me the glasses and proceeded to fill them both, accidentally spilling it once or twice. He placed the bottle back into the basket and grabbed one of the glasses.
"Cheers, to us." He announced, clinking our glasses together.
"Well then, dig in." He instructed, grabbing a sandwich and shovelling it into his mouth. I did as told and started picking bits of food from the selection. He had packed way too much food for the two of us, or so I thought anyway. When I had announced I was full, Peter easily polished off the leftovers. I looked at him with eyebrows raised.
"How can you eat so much?" I asked.
"Fast metabolism, gotta eat a lot or else I run outta energy quick. I'm surprised having my powers hasn't had that affect on you at all!" He answered, poking my arm.
"That is weird I guess, but maybe it won't affect me because I wasn't born with it? I don't know, but it's not a bother to me, though sometimes I do wish I could eat as much as you, maybe then I could finish dessert!" I chuckled, taking a sip of my lemonade. Peter packed all of our rubbish back into the basket before scooting himself over to me. I laid down on the blanket and gazed up at the clouds passing overhead, Peter laid on his side, gazing at me. I turned to face him.
"You're just so damn beautiful. I've never known anyone to shine with radiance like you do." He uttered, stroking a hand down my cheek. I felt a blush creep up onto my cheeks again as I smiled and turned away slightly.
"Hey! No turning that beauty away from me! Come back here!" He demanded, turning my face towards him and leaning down to press a long kiss to my lips, causing me to giggle slightly. He pulled away but I pulled him straight back in for another kiss, not wanting the moment to end. When we finally pulled away, we both uttered those three simple words everyone loves to hear.
"I love you."

4k reads 😁 thank you so much guys! And I have entered this story into the wattys, doubt it'll do any good compared to other stories out there though, some are incredible!

Wild - A Quicksilver (Peter Maximoff) fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang