Chapter 42

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"How do we get the collars off?" I demanded, shoving Gerald against the wall, winding him. He looked at me and chuckled.
"And why would I tell you? You belong to us, and there's nothing you or your little band of freaks can do to get me to talk." He jeered, crossing his arms. I smirked and let him go, brushing off his shoulders as I did so.
"Very well then." I spoke, crossing my arms and turning around.
"Jean, looks like this one is yours!" I declared moving back so she may step up. Jean stepped in front of Gerald and crossed her arms over her chest, cocking her right hip out to the side. Her eyes were fixated on Gerald, who was looking at her with a questioning look.
"There's an emergency button to release all collars behind the painting on the wall." She declared, pointing over to the far wall without taking her eyes off of Gerald.
"Convenient." Scott mumbled as I strolled over and moved the painting away, pressing the small black button protruding from the wall. The collar quickly clicked and fell off of my neck.
"Thank you Jean. Now, let's deal with him." I spoke, gesturing over to Gerald.
"Oh Emily, I think you should very much have the honour." Ororo said, putting a regal accent into her voice and bowing. I giggled and stepped up to Gerald, who was now shaking slightly. I smiled brightly at him before punching him square in the face, knocking him out immediately and causing his nose to crack.
"Ok, that felt good." I declared, rubbing by knuckle.
"Anyway," I continued,
"Let's save some prisoners." I ordered, leading the group out of the room. We stepped into the corridor and I immediately noticed a few men laying unconscious in the floor.
"Damn, I could have had a bit more fun." I joked as we continued down the hall. I soon led everyone to the cell room where the other mutants were being held and strolled into the corridor. I peered into one of the cells.
"Ok, the button definitely worked for everyone. Now we just have to open these cells and get everyone out of the building preferably without being caught. Plan anyone?" I asked. Everyone looked at each other, unsure of what to do.
"Improvise it is then." I announced.
"Scott, can you get these cells open?" I asked, earning a nod from him. I peered into the same cell as before, telling the girl inside to get to the side before stepping back and letting Scott blast the doors off. We repeated this action with every cell until every prisoner had been freed, many crying with joy. Hank glanced over the large group.
"Well, it's gonna be a bit of a squeeze to get onto the jet." He commented.
"Ok everyone, let's move!" I declared, but as we all began to leave the room, guards began to file in, guns drawn and pointed towards us all.
"None of you are going anywhere." One of them spoke, advancing upon us slowly.
'Well what a shame, seems they forgot about my super speed' I though to myself. Without a second thought I ran up to each and every guard, disarming them in a split second. Even with my running seeming slightly slower than before, due to not doing it in so long, I still managed my actions in the blink of an eye. I gathered all the guns and dumped them on the floor behind me, looking back at the guards with my arms crossed and a smirked plastered on my face. They all looked bewildered at first, but then anger seemed to grow inside them all.
'Hey guys," I projected to the others in their heads.
'Looks like we are going to have to fight our way out of this one.'
Ororo turned to me and smiled.
'Well then,' she thought back,
'Lets give them what they want, shall we?' I nodded and transformed myself into a wolf before howling and charging at the guards, my team right behind me, even some of the other prisoners joined in, helping in any way possible. Hank unleashed the beast, Ororo was shooting guards with lightning bolts, jean was using here telekinesis to throw guards around, Scott was blasting them, James was compacting leftover water from the prisoners to batter the guards, Shannon and Thomas were using regular fighting skills seeing as they had no purpose for their powers in this moment. I was biting guards, not enough to kill them, but enough to leave a scar when their wounds healed. The other mutants were doing what they could to help; creating small bombs; burning their opponents; turning their body to rock and managing to break a few bones; one girl could even turn her arms into blades! The fight was over quickly, the guards either unconscious or in excruciating pain on the floor. Some of the mutants cheered triumphantly, whilst others smiled and high-fived one another. I transformed back into a human and looked gleefully at the group and the faces that were earlier devoid of all hope. Hank soon led everyone out of the room and to the exit of the building, I stayed at the back of the group to ensure everyone was out. I double-checked the cells to ensure that everyone was freed before following the group to freedom. Only, my freedom didn't come. A steel slab slammed down in front of the exit, sealing me inside. I was the last one in, but I was grateful that everyone else got out. I heard the others banging on the steel from the outside, yelling things which I couldn't quite make out. Turning around I saw one of the guards smirking at me, holding a lighter in his hand. My eyes widened as I glanced down at the floor around him, oil has been slicked all over the floor. They knew that if we all got out then their secret would spread, but burning down the building with them all still inside would mean no justice for anyone who suffered. I attempted to use my powers, but soon found I couldn't, the sealed door must be partnered with an electrical field to prevent mutant powers.
He chuckled before dropping the lighter and lighting the oil, his body soon being enveloped in flames. I watched in horror as his flesh began to burn, the smell attacking my nose. The man screamed out in pain as the flames grew higher, soon making his body grow limp and collapse. It soon became clear to me that this would soon be my fate. The banging on the steel continued, but it was so thick that I knew even Scott wouldn't be able to break it down. The only person who would be able to save me right now would be Erik, or maybe even Logan if the steel wasn't too thick. I leaned my back against the steel and sunk down to the ground. Smoke was quickly filling up the corridor and I tried my best to stay underneath it all, but that proved difficult. It wasn't long before the smoke filled up the entire corridor, flooding my lungs with ash as it did so. I began to cough heavily, wheezing between them. The flames were drawing closer and closer to me, and within moments they were licking my skin. I screamed out between coughs as the flames engulfed my body. Tears that escaped my eyes dried up instantly from the unbearable heat. My clothes burnt off, my skin started to bubble. Goodbye world. Goodbye my new family. Goodbye, Peter.

Sorry that updating is taking a while these days, been having issues at home and just haven't really been in the mood much to write, so chapters are probably seeming a little dull because of it. But thank you for reading and voting, it all means a lot to me😊 and to think it has nearly been a year since I started this story, it's crazy! Xxx

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