Chapter 15

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I sat in that tree for hours, contemplating what I wanted to do now. Do I go back? Should I run away? What would happen to me if I ran? Would I find anywhere safe? So many thoughts were running through my head as I perched on a thick branch, my brown hair scattered across my face.
"Emily" a voice spoke, the professor.
"Emily, I know what you're thinking. Please don't run from us, we are here to protect you"
"I can't come back to you guys. All I do is cause trouble, I nearly killed people for God's sake!"
"That may be true, but what will happen if you run? Those men will come and take you again and it will be an endless loop of suffering for everyone. You still have that microchip in you, Emily, they will find you, so please come home, we can remove it. You have friends here, family even, we will all protect you no matter what"
I contemplated his words for a moment. Would this be the right thing to do? He did have a point, the men will always find me if I have this microchip in, but won't they know where I am if it is removed? There were so many things to think about, but I had to make a choice.
"Em?" Another voice spoke, it was near. I looked down to the ground beneath the branch I was sitting, Peter was staring up at me. I carefully climbed out of the tree, selecting the branches that I stepped on carefully. Upon reaching the ground, I turned to face him, he noticed that my pale green eyes were now red and puffy from where I had been crying. He pulled me into a comforting hug, holding me tightly and in a way that made me feel safe and loved.
"Emily, please don't leave us, please don't leave me!" he pleaded. I looked up at him, bewildered. His brown eyes were gazing back into mine and I felt the electricity between us. He guided his right hand gently across my face, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear before lowering his gaze to my lips. His hand travelled to my chin and his left hand held my lower back, pulling me ever closer to him. My heart was racing, faster than he could run. The world around us seemed to stop as he pulled my face towards his, our lips touching gently and moving in perfect harmony. My lips tingled as if miniature fireworks were dancing over them. His lips felt like pure bliss against my own. My eyes shut upon instinct and my arms found their way over his shoulders, draping down his back. His right hand shifted to cup my face, his touch soothing every inch of my skin.
"I've been wanting to do that for a long time" he smiled as we pulled apart, breathless, my legs had almost turned completely to jelly.
"Please don't run away again, I will do whatever it takes to protect you. I promise I will never leave your side, I will always be there when you need me." I began to tear up again, this time they were tears of happiness.
"I'll stay, Peter. I certainly have a reason to now" I stated, smiling at him and rubbing our noses together. He smiled again and kissed my nose, gazing dreamily into my eyes.
"C'mon, beautiful. Let's get you home" he said, picking me up bridal style and racing back to the mansion in seconds. It was getting dark out so we went straight inside, the school was starting to fill up with students again. He placed me down in the hall and I thought it would be best to see the professor before I did anything, so I knocked on the door to his office and waited for a reply before I entered. He smiled at me as I came in.
"I thought I should apologise for running out earlier, I just got so freaked out after hearing what I had done that I couldn't help myself" I stated.
"I understand, you have no need to apologise. Peter was going to run straight after you, but I knew you needed some time to process everything so I held him back for a while." the professor replied in a soft voice. I smiled again.
"Thank you, Professor" he nodded at me.
"Anyway, you must be starving, dinner is currently being served so go and eat, you need your strength you haven't eaten in hours" I nodded at him and thanked him one last time before leaving the room, Peter was standing outside waiting for me. He smiled as soon as he saw me and wrapped his arm around my waist.
"I never got to properly ask earlier. Emily, will you go out with me?" He questioned with a blush.
"Of course, Pietro. Silly question really" I replied, earning a look from him that said 'don't call me that', making me giggle softly. He placed a light kiss to my temple and kept his arm around me as we walked down the hall and to the cafeteria, most other students were already sat down and we saw Jean and Kurt sat near the far wall.
"Emily!" Jean stated, surprised. She jumped up and hugged me.
"I was so worried about you, are you ok? What happened?"
"Hey, Jean. I'm fine, The professor just told me what happened last night, what I had done. It was all a bit much and I freaked out. I'm so sorry about what I put you guys through, I would never mean to hurt you, any of you." She shook her head gently.
"We don't blame you, we know you wouldn't hurt us on purpose. We blame those men that took you away, they will never get you again, I promise!" She pledged, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder, allowing a smile to form on my lips. Peter and I excused ourselves as we dashed off to get food from the buffet laid out before making our way back to the table, greeting Scott, Ororo and Jubilee as they had now arrived. We were talking all the way through dinner and upon leaving the room, the professor called me downstairs to have my microchip removed, Peter, of course came with me. The procedure was quick and painless, but I had to be careful of the small stitches that were now in place on the back of my neck. Peter and I headed up to the dorms, saying our goodnights and giving each other a quick kiss on the cheek before we headed to bed. Jean and Ororo were already in the room and changed into their pjs, they were grinning at me as I entered.
"You two are so cute, I knew you would get together eventually" Ororo cheered. I smiled before changing and slipping into bed, dreading going back on my promise to Peter.

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