Chapter 18

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^ Steven (Ryan Gosling)

-Peter's POV-

I awoke in a steel cell. The floor was concrete and cold, the bars were thick and metal. The others were all in their own cells, but none of them had woken up yet. I tried to stand but immediately got light headed and collapsed again. There was a slight pain in my right arm, I looked down to see a plaster, covering a needle hole I presume. Was I injected with something or had blood removed? I couldn't tell. I tried to stand up again, succeeding this time, before trying to use my power. I couldn't run as fast as I normally would, the injection must have been a suppressant. A groan echoed in the cell next to me, I turned and saw Scott rolling onto his back, clutching his head in agony. I sat as close as I could to him.
"You ok there man?" I asked him. He looked up at me before slowly sitting up.
"Not really. What the hell happened?" He asked back, delirious.
"They knocked us out and injected us with some suppressant, they had this planned the entire time" I stated, feeling slightly defeated.
"Emily was in that room, I saw her. It was all a trap for us, they knew we would come for her and they trapped us". I leant my back against the cell and pulled my knees up to my chest, resting my chin on them. A few minutes of silence followed, the other three woke up in that time and Scott filled them in. I stayed quiet, trying to think of a way out. Two guards came into the room and disrupted my thoughts, one of them was muscly and had black hair, he was holding a large gun. The other man was tall, slightly muscly and had short brown hair, looking to be in his 30s, he was the man that was speaking to us through the glass.
"Ah, I see you are all awake, finally" the brown haired man spoke. We all stayed silent and stared at him.
"My name is Steven, I'm the boss around here." He continued, smirking.
"As you all know, your friend Emily has remarkable abilities, abilities that can bring the government to their knees in fear. But we aren't using her powers for that as I'm sure you all know. We are using her, and we are also using some of you." We all looked at him confused.
"The three of you," he pointed to Jean, Kurt and myself.
"Have had some blood harnessed, we figured that your powers could come in handy to Emily on her mission to kill all of you mutants, so as we speak she is being injected with a special serum made from all of your DNA. This serum will give her your powers, making her even more dangerous than before." He smirked again, standing in the middle of the corridor that our cells were in.
"I'm sure you have all realised by now that you can't use your powers. Well, we couldn't have you all breaking out and ruining our plans, could we? You're locked up because, let's face it, Emily needs someone to practice her powers on before we set her off on her mission." I scrambled to my feet and grabbed the bars of my cell, leaning towards it slightly.
"What if nothing goes your way? What if she turns on all of you? What will you do then? No-one will have the power to stop her, you will all perish" I spat, anger boiling through my veins. He turned to the man with the gun and nodded slightly to him. The other man strolled over to my cell and pulled some keys out of his back pocket before opening my cell and dragging my out. He stood me in front of Steven, grabbing my arms and tying them behind my back.
"This young one is seeming a little feisty and just a little too cocky. I think we should show him what we are doing, don't you?" He turned and started to walk out of the room, the other man stood behind me and held the gun to my back, forcing me to walk after Steven.
"Be careful, Peter!" I heard Ororo call as I walked out. I stayed silent and followed Steven down the hall, through the winding corridors of this floating maze, taking me ever closer to seeing what they were doing to the love of my life, I hope she wasn't hurt.

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