Chapter 30

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We had no plan for this battle, it was simply just 'go for it'! Adrenaline coursed through everyone's veins from fear and determination, it's what kept us all going. It wasn't long until both sides clashed. Raven slunk to the side of the battle to head off and find Michelle, as Charles had asked, we couldn't just let the woman walk away! The rest of us took on the twins and Lorna.
Erik was using his own magnetic abilities against Lorna, throwing back every ounce of metal she threw our way. She had a helmet, like Erik, which Kurt, Ororo and Scott were determined to knock off so that Charles could get into her mind, but they were finding it difficult to dodge all the metal being tossed at them.
Jean, Logan and Hank took on Wanda. Jean was doing her best at deflecting all of the hex bolts that were being shot their way, but Logan took them as if they were simply a mild pinch. Hank and Logan were trying to get ahold of Wanda and bring her to the ground so that Jean could get to her easily, but that was proving difficult as Wanda kept floating upwards using her powers.
That left Peter and myself. We had all agreed that Peter would be left to me as I was the only one who could keep up with him. We stood meters away from each other, staring at each other, waiting for the other to make the first move.
"Please remember me" I mumbled to myself before using my telekinesis to push him backwards. His feet slid against the dirt and he looked up at me, seeming more enraged than ever. He raced towards me but I swiftly dodged him before lunging at him. I used my telekinesis again to pick him up and throw him across the clifftop, teleporting away before he ran back to me. Thinking quickly, I turned myself into a cheetah and circled him, waiting for an opportunity to attack him. I used my speed to jump at him and I tore some of his uniform off of his chest. To my surprise, there was a small grey box attached to his chest. I wasn't sure of what it was at first, but then something struck me.
"I've found some kind of box on Peter's chest, I think it may have something to do with his mind control!" I telepathically said to Jean and Charles.
"I am going to try and remove or destroy it, try and find if Wanda and Lorna have them somewhere too!"
"Alright, but be very careful, we don't want to end up risking their lives" The professor replied.
I leapt onto Peter again, this time pushing him to the floor. I transformed back into a human and used my knees to pin his arms to the ground as I struggled to find a way to take the box off of him. But he was stronger than me. He managed to push me off of him and  place a hand around my throat, throwing me to the ground. His grip tightened and i soon found myself clawing at his face. I managed to get a decent scratch under his right eye, enough to make him pull away. I scrambled to my feet, coughing and wheezing as I tried to regain some breathe. He looked over at me and I saw blood begin to trickle slowly down his face, I didn't think I had scratched him so hard, but that's when i noticed my nails looked like cat claws. I have never been able yo change just a single part of my body before, how could I do it now? I didn't have long to think about it before Peter ran at me again. He landed a heavy punch to my stomach, causing me to clutch it and collapse to my knees. Just before he managed to throw another punch at me, I used my telekinesis to pick him up again, but this time I kept lifting him, higher and higher, before plunging him back down to the ground. He became severely winded by the blow and I took the opportunity to make another attempt at removing the box. I dragged my weak body towards him, he seemed very dazed from the impact. I tore at the box with my claws, slashing it over and over until it finally let out a puff of smoke.
Peter's body went limp and a chill fell down my spine. I frantically grabbed his wrist, placing two fingers over it. A pulse. Slow, but there. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth, but until Peter woke up, I was unsure if he was back with us or not. I took a risk and teleported him back to the jet, laying him on the floor. I saw that Wanda was also unconscious in there, and Kurt and Jean were having some wounds attended to.
"Take care of him." I ordered before teleporting back out to where everyone else was now battling Lorna. It was clear to see she was getting weak, now that she was the only one standing on her team. She had clearly taken a few hits from something as there were small bruises and a few cuts on her skin. Her helmet was still on so I transformed into a hawk and flew at her, desperately trying to remove it. She shot a few lumps of metal directly at me, one hit my wing and knocked me down to the ground. I changed back into a human and all I could feel was searing pain shooting through my arm, but it didn't feel broken, thank god.
"Lorna, please!" I heard the professor call out.
"Try to remember who you are! We are not your enemies!" He wheeled his chair closer to her as he spoke, but it was clear he wasn't getting through. It was at that moment that she used her powers to lift up Charles' chair and toss him over the cliff, but he was saved by Erik. This enraged Loran even more. She was out of control now. She threw a sharp piece of metal directly at Erik, whilst he was distracted. The metal tore through the right hand side of his abdomen and left an enormous wound. He dropped Charles as he fell to the floor in agony.
"Help Erik!" I commanded to the others.
"I'm gonna get Charles!" I began to run over to the edge of the cliff, stopping for a moment as i reached the edge. After a quick preparation I went to jump in, but it seemed Lorna had spotted me. She quickly wrapped my body in a sheet of metal, so that I couldn't move my arms, before tossing me into the ocean like she had done with Charles. I hit the water and sunk, deeper and deeper. It seems though that Lorna didn't know about my powers. I quickly shrunk myself down into a clownfish and escaped the metal bind. But now was the hard part, where was Charles? I looked around for a short time before I spotted a strange metallic blob in the distance. As I swam closer, I saw it was Charles' wheelchair, and Charles was lying on the seabed next to it, completely unresponsive. I knew I had to transform back into a human, but I wasn't sure if I would make it to the surface on time. But wait, yes! That might work! I turned back into a human and concentrated hard. My neck soon developed a set of gills, I could now breathe. I grabbed Charles and hoisted him to the surface of the water, which was difficult considering my arm was still in pain. As soon as I surfaced, I made sure to bring Charles's head up so that he wouldn't take in anymore water. I quickly swam us over to a small beach in the distance before retracting my gills then teleporting us to the jet.
"Quick, he's been drowning! Does anyone know CPR?" I called out, panic evident in my voice.
"I do!" Magda spoke up. She stepped forward and immediately got to work. Besides Peter and Wanda, who were still unconscious, everyone in the jet looked on worried, would the professor make it? He showed no signs. Magda kept trying and trying, even when everyone else, including Raven and Michelle, piled in with an unconscious Lorna, she kept going. 
"C'mon Charles. Please wake up." I whispered to myself, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
"I wish my powers were developed enough to help with this!" Thomas wailed, obviously feeling pretty useless at the moment.
"Hey, don't beat yourself up about this, your powers have saved us all so many times, you should feel proud about yourself. I'm sure when the professor wakes up he will help you strengthen those powers. But right now, feel proud about what you have done, you mostly healed a bullet wound for God's sake!" I told him, walking over to him and setting a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me and I smiled, he weakly smiled back. We both turned our attention back to Magda and Charles, Magda had been performing CPR for a few minutes now, and some people were beginning to lose hope. But then I noticed Charles' fingers twitch. Soon enough, he was coughing up all of the sea water that he had swallowed, causing a wave of relief to fall upon everyone in the jet.
"Professor!" Jean sighed, kneeling besides him.
"Thank goodness you're ok." Hank placed a folded jacket under Charles' head, allowing him some comfort on the hard floor of the jet.
We all heard a slow clap coming from behind us and we turned around to see who it was, Michelle, no surprise.
"Hm, I guess my plans were foiled after all. At least I get the last hurrah" she said before quickly whipping out a knife and stabbing Magda in the stomach. Raven quickly punched Michelle and knocked her to the ground as Scott caught Magda as she began to collapse.
"MAGDA!" Erik called as he limped over to her, his side bandaged up. Thomas also rushed over. Erik held her in his arms, tears forming in his eyes.
"Hold on, my dearest, please. You can get through this, I am not losing you again!" He spoke quickly. Magda was breathing heavily and could barely get out any words.
"I'm so glad we found each other again. My children now have a father to guide them." She stroke his cheek.
"I love you, Erik. I always have." Her body was growing weaker by the second, no matter how hard Thomas tried to heal her, she had already lost too much blood.
"Take care of them, and don't forget about me" she continued. Erik took her hand in his and squeezed it. I heard a grunt come from behind me and turned around to see Peter and Wanda waking up. I turned back to Erik and Magda, tears flowing from everyone's eyes. Magda turned to look at me.
"Emily" she called, holding out her hand to me. I quickly took it and knelt beside her.
"Take care of Peter for me. He is crazy and immature, but he is the best son I could ever ask for. Be sure to treat him right. He is fragile, even though he doesn't show it, but he will love with his whole heart." She told me. I kept crying.
"I promise, I will never hurt him" I decalred. She smiled at me before her body began to turn limp. She faced Erik.
"Goodbye, my love" she managed to whisper out, fluttering her eyes closed.
That was it, she was gone. Erik completely fell apart. He screamed and cried and clutched her lifeless body. Peter and Wanda had finally managed to stagger to their feet, only to walk over and see their Mother's limp body in Erik's arms. They both rushed to her side, both of them were crying with Erik. Peter kissed his mother's hand as he began to shake vigorously. His face went from pain to vengeance in a matter of seconds. He angry gaze fixed itself upon Michelle as he stood up, in a moment he had grabbed her and ran her somewhere outside of the jet. We all let him go, she deserved to suffer for what she had done. I Knelt down next to Wanda and placed my arm around her, allowing her to cry into my shoulder. Tears were still falling from my own eyes, I had only known Magda for a short time but I still felt quite close to her. Peter was soon back. He stood Wanda up slowly and helped Erik pick up Magda, gently placing her on a table, and Kurt found a sheet to place over her lifeless body.
Silence fell upon the team as Hank flew the jet back home.

Sorry if this made you guys cry, I had to do something emotional for this story! Sorry that the update took longer than normal as well, was trying very hard to get it perfect!
Also, thank you for 3K reads 😁 never could imagine that happening!! X

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